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Front Page Theoretical and Applied MechanicsPublisher: Serbian Society of Mechanics and Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, BeogradISSN: 1450-5584Issue: 30_3Date: 2003Journal Homepage

Plane symmetric cosmological micro model in modified theory of Einstein’s general relativity 163 - 175
U. K. Panigrahi and R. C. Sahu  
AbstractKeywords: anisotropy; modified Einstein's relativity; quantum micro-levelDOI:
Drag of a growing bubble at rectilinear accelerated ascension in pure liquids and binary solutions 177 - 191
Radomir Ašković  
AbstractKeywords: growing bubble; accelerated ascension; pure liquid; dragDOI:
Almost sure stability of the thin-walled beam subjected to end moments 193 - 207
Ratko Pavlović and Predrag Kozić  
AbstractKeywords: random loading; almost sure stability; Liapunov functional; Gaussian and harmonic processes; stability regions; mode numberDOI:
Effects of chemical reaction on moving isothermal vertical plate with variable mass diffusion 209 - 220
R. Muthucumaraswamy  
AbstractKeywords: first order chemical reaction; moving isothermal vertical plate; mass diffusion; heat transfer; variable buoyancy ratioDOI:
Ferrofluid lubrication of a parallel plate squeeze film bearing 221 - 240
Rajesh C. Shah and M. V. Bhat  
AbstractKeywords: ferrofluid lubrication; squeeze film bearing; anisotropic permeability; slip velocity; Jenkins modelDOI:

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