Novi Sad Journal of MathematicsPublisher: Department of Mathematics and Informatics,
Faculty of Sciences, Novi SadISSN: 1450-5444 (Print), 2406-2014 (Online)Issue: 24_2Date: 1994Journal Homepage |
AbstractKeywords: grid; digital geometry; digital star-shaped polygon; computational complexityMSC: 52A43
AbstractKeywords: cartesian product; Hamiltonian cycles; walks in graphsMSC: 05C70
AbstractKeywords: group testing; defective element; optimal algorithmMSC: 90B40; 62C20; 90C39
AbstractKeywords: congruence and subalgebra lattices; weak congruencesMSC: 08A30
AbstractKeywords: continuous elementMSC: 06B10; 08A30
AbstractKeywords: (k+1)-Lagrangian space; f(2t+1;-1)-structure; adapted frameMSC: 53C10; 53C15; 53C40; 51H20
AbstractKeywords: spline in tension; singular perturbation; boundary problem; error estimateMSC: 65L10; 34B15; 34E15; 65L20; 65L60
AbstractKeywords: discrete analogue; nonlocal boundary value problem; finite differences; singular perturbationMSC: 65L10; 65H10
AbstractKeywords: fuzzy metric space; probabilistic metric space; fixed point; variational principleMSC: 54H25