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Front Page Matematički VesnikPublisher: Društvo matematičara Srbije, BeogradISSN: 0025-5165 (Print), 2406-0682 (Online)Issue: 55_1-2Date: 2003Journal Homepage

R-fuzzy Strongly Preopen Sets in Fuzzy Topological Spaces 1 - 13
Y.C. Kim, A.A. Ramadan and S.E. Abbas  
AbstractKeywords: r-fuzzy strongly preopen, r-fuzzy strongly preclosed, fuzzy strong precontinuity, fuzzy strongly preopen mapping, fuzzy strongly preclosed mappingMSC: 54A40
Spectral States of Commutative L.m.c. Algebras 15 - 19
A. K. Gaur  
AbstractKeywords: Spectral states, probability measure, l.m.c. algebra, commutative moduloMSC: 46J99 46J15 46K99Zbl: 1060.46037
Optimality Conditions and Toland's Duality for a Nonconvex Minimization Problem 21 - 30
M. Laghdir  
AbstractKeywords: DC-minimization, optimality conditions, Toland's duality, fractional programmation, partial orderMSC: 49K27 90C25Zbl: 1051.49020
The Lower and Upper Topologies as a Bitopology 37 - 52
B. Dvalishvili  
AbstractKeywords: (l,u)- and (u,l)-boundaries, a hereditarily strong normally ordered space, l- and u-nowhere dense sets, l- and u-first (second) category set, l- and u-Baire spacesMSC: 54F05 54E55
Integral Inequalities for Maximal Space-like Submanifolds in the Indefinite Space Form 53 - 57
Liu Ximin  
AbstractKeywords: Maximal space-like submanifold, indefinite space form, flat normal bundleMSC: 53C40 53C42 53C50Zbl: 1060.53061

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