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Front Page FilomatPublisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, NišISSN: 0354-5180Issue: 31_2Date: 2017Journal Homepage

On a Simultaneous Generalization of $\beta$-Normality and Almost Normality 425 - 430
A. K. Das, Pratibha Bhat and J. K. Tartir  
AbstractKeywords: normal; $\alpha$-normal; $\beta$-normal; almost $\beta$-normal; almost normal; almost regular; $\kappa$-normal; $\theta$-normal; weakly $\theta$ normalMSC: 54D15DOI: 10.2298/FIL1702425D
Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Method Based on Type-2 Fuzzy Sets 431 - 450
Jing Wang, Qing-Hui Chen, Hong-Yu Zhang, Xiao-Hong Chen and Jian-Qiang Wang  
AbstractKeywords: multi-criteria decision-making; generalized fuzzy number; type-2 fuzzy set; fuzzy ranking method; Interval type-2 fuzzy setMSC: 90B50; 03E72DOI: 10.2298/FIL1702431W
On Fractional Di Erential Equations With State-Dependent Delay Via Kuratowski Measure of Noncompactness 451 - 460
Mohammed Belmekki and Kheira Mekhalfi  
AbstractKeywords: fractional calculus; mild solutions; state-dependent delay; measure of noncompactness; resolvent operatorMSC: 26A33; 34K37DOI: 10.2298/FIL1702451B
On a Class of Solvable Higher-Order Di Erence Equations 461 - 477
Stevo Stević, Mohammed A. Alghamdi, Abdullah Alotaibi and Elsayed M. Elsayed  
AbstractKeywords: solvable difference equation; linear first order difference equation; long-term behavior; domain of undefinable solutionsMSC: 39A20; 39A10DOI: 10.2298/FIL1702461S
Approximation Properties of Szász Type Operators Involving Charlier Polynomials 479 - 487
Didem Aydın Arı  
AbstractKeywords: Szász operator; weighted modulus of continuity; rate of convergence; Voronovskaya type theoremMSC: 41A25; 41A36DOI: 10.2298/FIL1702479A
Duality for a Class of Nonsmooth Multiobjective Programming Problems Using Convexificators 489 - 498
Anurag Jayswal, Krishna Kummari and Vivek Singh  
AbstractKeywords: nonsmooth multiobjective programming; efficient solution; directional Dini-derivatives; convexificators; dualityMSC: 26A51; 49J35; 90C32DOI: 10.2298/FIL1702489J
Torse-Forming $\eta$-Ricci Solitons in Almost Paracontact $\eta$-Einstein Geometry 499 - 504
Adara M. Blaga and Mircea Crasmareanu  
AbstractKeywords: almost paracontact metric manifold; $\eta$-Einstein condition; $\eta$-Ricci soliton; torse-forming vector fieldMSC: 53B05; 53D35; 70G45DOI: 10.2298/FIL1702499B
A Note on the Perturbation Bounds of $W$-Weighted Drazin Inverse of Linear Operator in Banach Space 505 - 511
Xue-Zhong Wang, Hai-Feng Ma and Marija Cvetković  
AbstractKeywords: perturbation; W-weighted Drazin inverse; Bounded linear operators; Banach spaceMSC: 15A09; 65F20DOI: 10.2298/FIL1702505W
Fuzzy Covering Location Problems With Different Aggregation Operators 513 - 522
Darko Drakulić, Aleksandar Takač and Miroslav Marić  
AbstractKeywords: covering location problems; fuzzy sets; fuzzy modelingMSC: 93A30DOI: 10.2298/FIL1702513D
$\mathcal I_\lambda$-Statistically Convergent Functions of Order $\alpha$ 523 - 528
Ekrem Savaş  
AbstractKeywords: Ideal; filter; $\mathcal I$-statistical convergence of order $\alpha$; statistical convergence of functions; $\mathcal I_\lambda$-statistical convergence of functionsMSC: 40A05; 40D25DOI: 10.2298/FIL1702523S
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