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Front Page FilomatPublisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, NišISSN: 0354-5180Issue: 30_7Date: 2016Journal Homepage

Generalized Hyers--Ulam Stability of Cubic Functional Inequality 1969 - 1978
Hark-Mahn Kim and Eunyoung Son  
AbstractKeywords: generalized Hyers-Ulam stability; cubic functional inequality; contractive mapping; non-Archimedean spaceMSC: 39B82 46S10DOI: 10.2298/FIL1607969K
Zagreb Polynomials of Three Graph Operators 1979 - 1986
A.R. Bindusree, I. Naci Cangul, V. Lokesha and A. Sinan Cevik  
AbstractKeywords: Zagreb polynomials; subdivision graph; graph operatorMSC: 05C12 05C50; 05C90DOI: 10.2298/FIL1607979B
Finite Derivation Type for Graph Products of Monoids 1987 - 1995
Eylem Guzel Karpuz, Firat Ates, I. Naci Cangul and A. Sinan Cevik  
AbstractKeywords: graph products; finite derivation type; monoids; rewriting systemsMSC: 20M05 20M30; 20M50; 68Q42DOI: 10.2298/FIL1607987K
Iterative Approximations with Hybrid Techniques for Fixed Points and Equilibrium Problems 1997 - 2009
Afrah A.N. Abdou, Badriah A.S. Alamri, Yeol Je Cho and Li-Jun Zhu  
AbstractKeywords: shrinking projection method; Meir-Keeler contraction; pseudocontractive mapping; fixed point; equilibrium problemMSC: 49J40; 47J20; 47H09; 65J15DOI: 10.2298/FIL1607997A
A Recurrence Formula for the q-Beta Integral and its Applications 2011 - 2017
Ji-Ke Ge, Jun-Ming Zhu and Qiu-Ming Luo  
AbstractKeywords: q-beta integral; q-Chu-Vandermonde formula; basic hypergeometric seriesMSC: 33D05 05A30; 33D15DOI: 10.2298/FIL1607011G
Carathéodory’s Approximate Solution to Stochastic Differential Delay Equation 2019 - 2028
Young-Ho Kim  
AbstractKeywords: Ito’s formula; Caratheodory approximation; Euler-Maruyama approximation; stochastic differential delay equationMSC: 60H10; 60H30DOI: 10.2298/FIL1607019K
Existence and Multiplicity of Solutions for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations of $p$-Laplace Type in $\mathbb R^N$ 2029 - 2043
Ji Soo Lee and Yun-Ho Kim  
AbstractKeywords: p-Laplace type; Weak solution; mountain pass theorem; Fountain theorem; weighted Lebesgue-Sobolev spacesMSC: 35D30; 35J60; 35J92; 35P30; 46E35DOI: 10.2298/FIL1607029L
An Integrodifferential Operator for Meromorphic Functions Associated with the Hurwitz--Lerch Zeta Function 2045 - 2057
Adel A. Attiya, Oh Sang Kwon, Park Ji Hyang and Nak Eun Cho  
AbstractKeywords: analytic functions; meromorphic functions; Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta function; Srivastava-Attiya operatorMSC: 30C45DOI: 10.2298/FIL1607045A
Reducibility of Certain Kampé De Fériet Function with an Application to Generating relations for products of two Laguerre polynomials 2059 - 2066
Junesang Choi and Arjun K. Rathie  
AbstractKeywords: gamma function; Pochhammer symbol; Hypergeometric function; generalized hypergeometric function; Kampe de Feriet function; Kummer's second summation theorem; Dixon and Whipple's summation theorems; Laguerre polynomialsMSC: 33B20; 33C20 33B15; 33C05DOI: 10.2298/FIL1607059C
Majorization for Some Classes of Analytic Functions Associated with the Srivastava--Attiya Operator 2067 - 2074
Adel A. Attiya and M. F. Yassen  
AbstractKeywords: analytic functions; Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta function; majorization property; subordination; Srivastava-Attiya operatorMSC: 30C45DOI: 10.2298/FIL1607067A
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