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Front Page FilomatPublisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, NišISSN: 0354-5180Issue: 30_6Date: 2016Journal Homepage

Lie Algebras of Infinitesimal CR Automorphisms of Weighted Homogeneous and Homogeneous CR-Generic Submanifolds of $\mathbb C^N$ 1387 - 1411
Masoud Sabzevari, Amir Hashemi, Benyamin M.-Alizadeh and Joël Merker  
AbstractKeywords: CR manifolds; CR automorphism algebra; Comprehensive Gröbner systemMSC: 32V40 68W30DOI: 10.2298/FIL1606387S
Existence of Common Fixed Point for $b$-Metric Rational Type Contraction 1413 - 1429
Mujahid Abbas, Imran Zulfiqar Chema and Abdolrahman Razani  
AbstractKeywords: common fixed point; compatible maps; b-metric space; partially ordered setMSC: 47H10 54H25DOI: 10.2298/FIL1606413A
New Results on the Stochastic Gilpin--Ayala Model with Delays 1431 - 1440
Kai Wang, Yanling Zhu and Hailong Zhu  
AbstractKeywords: stochastic differential equation; Brownian motion; moment boundedness; asymptotic behaviorMSC: 34K50 60H10DOI: 10.2298/FIL1606431W
Improvement of Ostrowski Integral Type Inequalities with Application 1441 - 1456
Ather Qayyum, Ibrahima Faye and Muhammad Shoaib  
AbstractKeywords: Ostrowski inequality; numerical integration; Grüss and Čebyšev inequalitiesMSC: 26D15; 26D20 65XxxDOI: 10.2298/FIL1606441Q
The Multivariable $H$-Function and the General Class of Srivastava Polynomials Involving the Generalized Mellin--Barnes Contour Integrals 1457 - 1464
Jitendra Daiya, Jeta Ram and Dinesh Kumar  
AbstractKeywords: multivariable $H$-function; definite integrals; general class of polynomialsMSC: 26A33; 33C45; 33C60; 33C70DOI: 10.2298/FIL1606457D
Some Applications of the First-Order Differential Subordinations 1465 - 1474
Nak Eun Cho, Hyo Jeong Lee, Ji Hyang Park and Rekha Srivastava  
AbstractKeywords: analytic functions; differential subordination; univalent functions; strongly starlike functionMSC: 30C80 30C45DOI: 10.2298/FIL1606465C
Extensions of Symmetric Singular Second-Order Dynamic Operators on Time Scales 1475 - 1484
Bilender P. Allakhverdiev  
AbstractKeywords: symmetric singular second-order dynamic operator; space of boundary values; selfadjoint and nonselfadjoint extensions of a symmetric operatorMSC: 34N05; 47B25; 47A20 47B44; 34B20; 34B24; 34B40DOI: 10.2298/FIL1606475A
$L^1$-Solutions for Implicit Fractional Order Differential Equations with Nonlocal Conditions 1485 - 1492
Mouffak Benchohra and Mohammed Said Souid  
AbstractKeywords: implicit fractional-order differential equation; Caputo fractional derivative; Banach contraction fixed point theorem; nonlocal conditionMSC: 26A33; 34A08DOI: 10.2298/FIL1606485B
On the Arens Product and Approximate Identity in Locally Convex Algebras 1493 - 1496
A. Zivari-Kazempour  
AbstractKeywords: arens regular; bounded approximate identity; weakly quasi-complete; topological centreMSC: 46H05.DOI: 10.2298/FIL1606493Z
On Statistically Convergent Sequences of Closed Sets 1497 - 1509
Özer Talo, Yurdal Sever and Feyzi Başar  
AbstractKeywords: sequence of sets; statistical outer limit; statistical inner limit; statistical convergence; Kuratowski statistical convergenceMSC: 40A35 54A20DOI: 10.2298/FIL1606497T
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