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Front Page FilomatPublisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, NišISSN: 0354-5180Issue: 32_8Date: 2018Journal Homepage

Amenability-like properties of C(X, A) 2701 - 2706
S Ghoraishi, A Mahmoodi and A R Medghalchi  
AbstractKeywords: σ-amenability; σ-weak amenability; σ-bounded approximate diagonalMSC: 46M10; 46M18; 46H20DOI: 10.2298/FIL1808701G
On Mixed Quasi-Einstein Spacetimes 2707 - 2719
Young Jin Suh, Pradip Majhi and Chand Uday De  
AbstractKeywords: Quasi Einstein manifolds; mixed quasi-Einstein manifolds; generalized quasi-Einstein manifolds; concurrent vector field; energy momentum tensor; perfect fluid; Einstein’s field equation; Segré characteristic; stiff matter; heat fluxMSC: 53C25; 53C35; 53C50; 53B30DOI: 10.2298/FIL1808707S
A New Pointfree Form of Subspaces 2721 - 2733
Mohammad Zarghani and Ali Akbar Estaji  
AbstractKeywords: Topolocale; sub-topolocale; frame; topoframe; subspace; connectivityMSC: 06D22DOI: 10.2298/FIL1808721Z
Canonical Hankel Wavelet Transformation and Calderón’s Reproducing Formula 2735 - 2743
Akhilesh Prasad and Tanuj Kumar  
AbstractKeywords: Convolution; Canonical Hankel wavelet transformation; Calder´on’s formulaMSC: 65R10; 65T60; 44A35DOI: 10.2298/FIL1808735P
Determination of a Jump by Conjugate Fourier-Jacobi Series 2745 - 2754
Samra Sadiković  
AbstractKeywords: Conjugate Fourier-Jacobi series; determination of the jump; Cesàro summabilityMSC: 42A24; 42C10DOI: 10.2298/FIL1808745S
Paratopological Polygroups versus Topological Polygroups 2755 - 2761
Javad Jamalzadeh  
AbstractKeywords: Paratopological polygroups; topological polygroups; uniformity on polygroupsMSC: 20N20; 54E15DOI: 10.2298/FIL1808755J
Beyond Gevrey Regularity: Superposition and Propagation of Singularities 2763 - 2782
Stevan Pilipović, Nenad Teofanov and Filip Tomić  
AbstractKeywords: Gevrey classes; ultradifferentiable functions; wave front setsMSC: 46F05; 46E10; 35A18DOI: 10.2298/FIL1808763P
Statistical σ–Convergence of Double Sequences with Application 2783 - 2792
M Mursaleen, Cemal Belen and Syed M H Rizvi  
AbstractKeywords: Statistical convergence; Invariant mean; σ-convergence; Double σ-density; Korovkin-type approximation theoremMSC: 40A35; 41A25DOI: 10.2298/FIL1808783M
Cloud Service Reliability Assessment Approach based on Multi-valued Neutrosophic Cross-entropy and Entropy Measures 2793 - 2812
Yi Wang, Xiao-Kang Wang and Jian-Qiang Wang  
AbstractKeywords: Multi-criteria decision-making; Multi-valued neutrosophic sets; Cloud service reliability assessment; Entropy; Cross-entropyMSC: 90B50; 03E72DOI: 10.2298/FIL1808793W
Hedging Error Estimate of the American Put Option Problem in Jump-Diffusion Processes 2813 - 2824
Sultan Hussain, Salman Zeb, Muhammad Shoaib Saleem and Nasir Rehman  
AbstractKeywords: American Option; Jump Diffusion Process; Discrete Time HedgingMSC: 91B28; 60J75; 60G60DOI: 10.2298/FIL1808813H
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