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Front Page FilomatPublisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, NišISSN: 0354-5180Issue: 32_7Date: 2018Journal Homepage

Two-Geodesic-Transitive Graphs Which are Neighbor Cubic or Neighbor Tetravalent 2483 - 2488
Wei Jin and Li Tan  
AbstractKeywords: Two-geodesic-transitive graph; local subgraph; permutation groupMSC: 05E18; 20B25DOI: 10.2298/FIL1807483J
A New Analytical Approach for Solving Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems Arising in Nonlinear Phenomena 2489 - 2497
Liaqat Ali, Saeed Islam, Taza Gul, Ali Saleh Alshomrani and Murad Ullah  
AbstractKeywords: New Analytical Mehod; Initial guess; Auxiliary functions; Galerkin’s methodDOI: 10.2298/FIL1807489A
Analytic Core and Quasi-Nilpotent Part of Linear Relations in Banach Spaces 2499 - 2515
Maher Mnif and Aman-Allah Ouled-Hmed  
AbstractKeywords: Analytic core; algebraic core; quasi-nilpotent part; Generalized Kato linear relation; s-regular linear relation; linear relation of Kato typeMSC: 47A06; 47A53; 47A55DOI: 10.2298/FIL1807499M
Bounds on the Domination Number of a Digraph and its Reverse 2517 - 2524
Michitaka Furuya  
AbstractKeywords: domination number; digraph; total domination numberMSC: 05C69; 05C20DOI: 10.2298/FIL1807517F
Error Bounds for a Gauss-Type Quadrature Rule to Evaluate Hypersingular Integrals 2525 - 2543
Maria Carmela De Bonis and Donatella Occorsio  
AbstractKeywords: Hadamard Finite Part Integrals; Approximation by Polynomials; Orthogonal Polynomials; Gaussian RulesMSC: 65D32; 65R20; 41A10DOI: 10.2298/FIL1807525B
Lévy Processes Time-Changed by the First-Exit Time of the Inverse Gaussian Subordinator 2545 - 2552
Farouk Mselmi  
AbstractKeywords: First-exit time of the inverse Gaussian subordiantor; Lévy process; Time-changed; Variance functionMSC: 60G52; 60G40; 60G51DOI: 10.2298/FIL1807545M
The Classification of Closed Subspaces of Noncommutative L2 Space Associated with a Factor of Type I 2553 - 2561
C Shen, L Jiang and X Wei  
AbstractKeywords: noncommutative L2 space; bimoduler property; projection; factor of type IMSC: 46C07; 47L60; 47A67DOI: 10.2298/FIL1807553S
On Local Spectral Properties of Hamilton Operators 2563 - 2566
Wurichaihu Bai and Alatancang Chen  
AbstractKeywords: Hamilton operators; local spectral property; Weyl type theoremMSC: 47A11; 47A05; 47A15DOI: 10.2298/FIL1807563B
Approximation of Functions by Favard-Szász-Mirakyan Operators of Max-Product Type in Weighted Spaces 2567 - 2576
Adrian Holhoș  
AbstractKeywords: weighted modulus of continuity; weighted approximation; Favard-Szász-Mirakyan operatorsMSC: 41A25; 41A30; 41A36DOI: 10.2298/FIL1807567H
On the Jacobson and Simple Radicals of Semigroups 2577 - 2582
Emil Ilić-Georgijević  
AbstractKeywords: Semigroups and acts; Jacobson and simple radicalsMSC: 20M11; 20M30DOI: 10.2298/FIL1807577I
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