Computer Science and Information SystemsPublisher: ComSIS Consortium, Novi SadISSN: 1820-0214Issue: 14_3Date: 2017Journal Homepage |
AbstractKeywords: artificial bee colony; search equations; exploration ability; exploitation abilityMSC: 68T10 62H30
AbstractKeywords: Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS); Early Warn; Attack Detection; Spark framework; K-Means AlgorithmMSC: 68M11 62H30
AbstractKeywords: reinforcement learning; kernel method; true online; policy gradient; Sarsa(λ)MSC: 68T10 62H30
AbstractKeywords: Big data analytics; social media; innovative drug; social evaluation; marine biology; fullerene materialsMSC: 68M14 91D30
AbstractKeywords: information extraction; comparative sentence; comparative elementMSC: 68T50 62H30
AbstractKeywords: Flooding DDoS; Flash Crowds; Data Mining; EntropyMSC: 68M11 68T10
AbstractKeywords: Testbed; Personal Area Network; PAN; Personal NetworkMSC: 68M10 90C35
AbstractKeywords: Metamodel; Model transformation; Model-driven development; Domain-specific Modeling Language; Multi-agent System; InteroperabilityMSC: 68N19 68T42
AbstractKeywords: OntoUML; UML; transformation; relational database; Kind; Subkind; generalization setMSC: 68N19 68T30
AbstractKeywords: domain-specific languages; human-computer interaction; iterative design; model-driven development; translator; XMLMSC: 68N19 68N20