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Front Page Computer Science and Information SystemsPublisher: ComSIS Consortium, Novi SadISSN: 1820-0214Issue: 14_2Date: 2017Journal Homepage

Performance Evaluation and Implementation of IP and Robust Header Compression Schemes for TCP and UDP Traffic in Static and Dynamic Wireless Contexts 283 - 308
Máté Tömösközi, Patrick Seeling, Péter Ekler and Frank H.P. Fitzek  
AbstractKeywords: Robust header compression; IP header compression; Mobile multimedia; Cellular networks; Bandwidth savingsMSC: 68M11 68P30
Variable Neighborhood Search for solving Bandwidth Coloring Problem 309 - 327
Dragan Matić, Jozef Kratica and Vladimir Filipović  
AbstractKeywords: Bandwidth Coloring; Bandwidth MultiColoring; Frequency Assignment; Variable Neighborhood Search; Variable Neighborhood DescentMSC: 05C15 94C15
Integer Arithmetic Approximation of the HoG Algorithm used for Pedestrian Detection 329 - 346
Srđan Sladojević, Andraš Anderla, Dubravko Ćulibrk, Darko Stefanović1 and Bojan Lalić  
AbstractKeywords: computer vision; fixed-point; histogram of oriented gradients; pedestrian detectionMSC: 68T10 68U10
R-Tree for Phase Change Memory 347 - 367
Elkhan Jabarov, Byung-Won On, Gyu Sang Choi and Myong-Soon Park  
AbstractKeywords: spatial database; spatial data; PCM; R-Tree; spatial tree; endurance; indexing algorithmMSC: 68P20 94C15
A Flash-Aware Buffering Scheme with the On-the-Fly Redo for Efficient Data Management in Flash Storage 369 - 392
Kyosung Jeong, Sungchae Lim, Kichun Lee and Sang-Wook Kim  
AbstractKeywords: flash storage; buffering scheme; database system; recoveryMSC: 68P20 68P10
Effort Estimation in Global Software Development - A Systematic Review 393 - 421
Dilani Wickramaarachchi and Richard Lai  
AbstractKeywords: Global Software Development; Business Process Outsourcing; Effort Estimation; Global Software Engineering; Distributed Software Development; Offshoring; Insourcing; OnshoringMSC: 68N30 68N19
Preserving Use Case Flows in Source Code: Approach, Context, and Challenges 423 - 445
Michal Bystrický and Valentino Vranić  
AbstractKeywords: use case; flow of events; intent; annotation; Python; aspect; reflection; DCIMSC: 68N30 68N19
REST API Example Generation Using Javadoc 447 - 466
Petri Rantanen  
AbstractKeywords: documentation; programming techniques; REST; examplesMSC: 68N30 68N19
LTR - MDTS structure - A structure for Multiple Dependent Time Series Prediction 467 - 490
Predrag Pecev and Miloš Racković  
AbstractKeywords: MLP; Multiple Dependent Time Series; LTR-MDTS structure; Training parameter influence; Neural Network Configuration; Training Set Configuration and Optimization.MSC: 92B20 62M45
An Online-Processing Critical Patient Monitoring System - An Interoperability Overview 491 - 515
Filipe Portela, Filipe Miranda, Manuel Filipe Santos, António Abelha and José Machado  
AbstractKeywords: Ambient Intelligence Monitoring Systems; Intensive Care Unit; Multi-Agent Systems; RFID; UsabilityMSC: 68U35 68T42
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