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Front Page Computer Science and Information SystemsPublisher: ComSIS Consortium, Novi SadISSN: 1820-0214Issue: 8_4Date: 2011Journal Homepage

An Improved Spectral Clustering Algorithm Based on Local Neighbors in Kernel Space 1143 - 1157
Xinyue Liu, Xing Yong and Hongfei Lin  
AbstractKeywords: Spectral Clustering, Kernel Space, Local Neighbors, Linear ReconstructionMSC: 62H30 68T10
A Novel Capacity and Trust Based Service Selection Mechanism for Collaborative Decision Making in CPS 1159 - 1184
Bo Zhang, Yang Xiang, Peng Wang and Zhenhua Huang  
AbstractKeywords: cyber-physical system, collaborative decision making, service selection, semantic, capacity, trustMSC: 90B50 05C82
Privacy Preserving in Ubiquitous Computing: Classification & Hierarchy 1185 - 1206
Tinghuai Ma, Sen Yan, Jin Wang and Sungyoung Lee  
AbstractKeywords: ubiquitous computing, privacy preserving, classification, hierarchyMSC: 68M10 90B18
TRM-IoT: A Trust Management Model Based on Fuzzy Reputation for Internet of Things 1207 - 1228
Dong Chen, Guiran Chang, Dawei Sun, Jiajia Li, Jie Jia and Xingwei Wang  
AbstractKeywords: Internet of Things, Cyber Physical System, Wireless Sensor Network, Trust, Reputation, Fuzzy SetsMSC: 68M10 90B18
A Reusable Agent Design Pattern with Flexibility and Extensibility 1229 - 1250
Hao Lan Zhang, Wenhua Zeng and Christian Van der Velden  
AbstractKeywords: Agent Capability Design, Agent Reusability, Domain Specific Components, Agent DesignMSC: 68T42 68U35
Quantitative Analysis for Symbolic Heap Bounds of CPS Software 1251 - 1276
Renjian Li, Ji Wang, Liqian Chen, Wanwei Liu and Dengping Wei  
AbstractKeywords: CPS software, heap bounds, quantitative shape analysis, symbolic execution, program slicingMSC: 68N30 05C82
A Model-Based Software Development Method for Automotive Cyber-Physical Systems 1277 - 1301
Zhigang Gao, Haixia Xia and Guojun Dai  
AbstractKeywords: Automotive cyber-physical systems, non-functional requirements, physical environment, model-based methods, model transformation, code generationMSC: 68N19 05C82
Velocity Adaptation for Synchronizing a Mobile Agent Network 1303 - 1315
Lijing Li, Hui Yan, Hui Li and Chunxi Zhang  
AbstractKeywords: mobile agents, velocity adaptation, complex coupled networks, synchronizationMSC: 68T42 05C82
A Case Study on REST-Style Architecture for Cyber-Physical Systems: Restful Smart Gateway 1317 - 1329
Qiang Li, Weijun Qin, Bing Han, Ruicong Wang and Limin Sun  
AbstractKeywords: cyber-physical systems, REST, architecture, smart gateway, wireless sensor networkMSC: 68M10 05C82
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