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Front Page Theoretical and Applied MechanicsPublisher: Serbian Society of Mechanics and Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, BeogradISSN: 1450-5584Issue: 51_2Date: 2024Journal Homepage

Binary mixture convection in a horizontal channel under the Soret effect action 57 - 73
Irina Stepanova  
AbstractKeywords: binary liquid mixture; thermodiffusion separation; convection equations; exact solutionMSC: 80A19DOI:
Stabilization of a nonlinear Euler--Bernoulli viscoelastic beam subjected to a neutral delay 75 - 91
Ibrahim Lakehal, Djamila Benterki and Khaled Zennir  
AbstractKeywords: nonlinear Euler-Bernoulli beam; Lyapunov functions; viscoelasticity; general decay; boundary control; partial differential equationsMSC: 34K30; 35R09; 35R10DOI:
Jeffrey fluid flow past inclined stretchable sheet with magnetic dipole and suction/injection 93 - 118
M. O. Iyoko, B. I. Olajuwon, O. Fagbemiro and M. T. Raji  
AbstractKeywords: inclined stretching sheet; Jeffrey fluid; suction/injection; prescribed surface temperature; magnetic dipoleMSC: 76E25; 76M45; 76S99; 76W05DOI:
The effect of a hypocycloid irregularity on torsional surface waves in a multilayer system 119 - 136
Anup Saha and Sandip Kumar Das  
AbstractKeywords: torsional wave; porosity; irregularity; anisotropic; heterogeneity; phase velocityMSC: 86A15DOI:
Linear analysis of micromorphic thermoelastic materials with microtemperatures and triple porosity 137 - 163
Tarun Kansal  
AbstractKeywords: thermoelasticity; triple porosity; microtemperaturesMSC: 74A15; 74A20; 74B05; 74E10; 74F05DOI:
Global compact attractors and complete bounded trajectories for compressible magnetohydrodynamic system of equations 165 - 188
Jan Muhammad  
AbstractKeywords: weak solutions; compressible MHD fluid; bounded absorbing sets; asymptotic compactness; short trajectory; closed trajectory; attractorMSC: 76A05; 35Q35DOI:

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