The Teaching of MathematicsPublisher: Društvo matematičara Srbije, BeogradISSN: 1451-4966 (Print), 2406-1077 (Online)Issue: XXI_1Date: 2018Journal Homepage |
AbstractKeywords: ordinary differential equation; symmetries; substitution.MSC: 97I70; 97I40 I75
AbstractKeywords: conceptual knowledge; procedural knowledge; technology.MSC: 97C30 C34
AbstractKeywords: Mihailo Petrović AlasMSC: 01A70; 97-03 A30
AbstractKeywords: Bernoulli's inequality; Radon's inequality; Rogers-Höl\-der's inequality; Schlömilch's inequality; the weighted power mean inequality; time scalesMSC: 97H30; 26D15 H35