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Front Page Theoretical and Applied MechanicsPublisher: Serbian Society of Mechanics and Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, BeogradISSN: 1450-5584Issue: 42_2Date: 2015Journal Homepage

Rheological-dynamical continuum damage model for concrete under uniaxial compression and its experimental verification 73 - 110
Dragan D. Milašinović  
AbstractKeywords: concrete under compression; RDA stress-strain curve; critical creep coefficient; critical damage variable; global failure analysis; crushing energyMSC: 74A45DOI: 10.2298/TAM1502073M
Scaling group analysis on mhd effects on heat transfer near a stagnation point on a linearly stretching sheet with variable viscosity and thermal conductivity, viscous dissipation and heat source/sink 111 - 133
Hunegnaw Dessie and Kishan Naikoti  
AbstractKeywords: scaling group transformation; MHD; stagnation point; variable viscosity and thermal conductivity; heat source/sink; viscous dissipationMSC: 80A20; 76E06; 76D99DOI: 10.2298/TAM1502111D
Effect of couple stresses on hydromagnetic Eyring--Powell fluid flow through a porous channel 135 - 150
Samuel O. Adesanya, John A. Falade and Randolph Rach  
AbstractKeywords: magnetic field; couple stresses; Adomian decomposition method; Adomian Polynomials; non-Newtonian fluidMSC: 76W05; 76D05DOI: 10.2298/TAM1502135A

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