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Front Page Matematički VesnikPublisher: Društvo matematičara Srbije, BeogradISSN: 0025-5165 (Print), 2406-0682 (Online)Issue: 59_1-2Date: 2007Journal Homepage

Weak forms of open mappings and strong forms of sequence-covering mappings 1 - 8
Ying Ge  
AbstractKeywords: Open (weak-open, sn-open) mapping, almost open (almost weak-open, almost sn-open) mapping, 1-sequence-covering mapping, 2-sequence-covering mapping.MSC: 54C05 54C10Zbl: 1140.54011
Some properties of ordered hypergraphs 9 - 13
Ch. Eslahchi and A. M. Rahimi  
AbstractKeywords: Hypergraph, Clique polynomial, Interval cycle.MSC: 05C65 05C99Zbl: 1199.05260
On sequence-covering msss-maps 15 - 21
Zhaowen Li, Qingguo Li and Xiangnan Zhou  
AbstractKeywords: msss-maps, 1-sequence-covering maps, sequence-covering maps, strong compact-covering maps, weak-bases, bases, s-networks, cs-networks.MSC: 54E99 54C10; 54D55Zbl: 1140.54012
On co-lc topologies 23 - 30
A. Kanibir and P. Girginok  
AbstractKeywords: Lindelöf, LC-space, co-Lindelöf topology, co-LC topology.MSC: 54A05 54D20 54G10Zbl: 1141.54002
Spline-wavelet solution of singularly perturbed boundary problem 31 - 46
Desanka Radunović  
AbstractKeywords: Boundary layers, spline wavelets, collocation.MSC: 65L10 65L60 65T60Zbl: 1164.65024
Norm and lower bounds of operators on weighted sequence spaces 47 - 56
R. Lashkaripour and D. Foroutannia  
AbstractKeywords: Matrix operator, norm and lower bound, weighted sequence spaces, Cesaro operator, Copson operator, Hilbert operator.MSC: 46A45 40H05Zbl: 1224.46011
On pseudo-sequence-covering pi images of locally separable metric spaces 57 - 64
Shengxiang Xia  
AbstractKeywords: Pseudo-sequence-covering mappings, Pi-mappings, wcs-covers, point-star networks.MSC: 54E20 54E40 54D55Zbl: 1140.54013
Some subclasses of close-to-convex and quasi-convex functions 65 - 73
Zhi-Gang Wang  
AbstractKeywords: Close-to-convex functions, quasi-convex functions, differential subordination, Hadamard product, $2k$-symmetric conjugate points.MSC: 30C45Zbl: 1164.30013

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