Mathematica MoravicaPublisher: Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak, University of Kragujevac, ČačakISSN: 1450-5932Issue: 2_1Date: 1998Journal Homepage |
AbstractKeywords: measure of noncompactness; uniform spaceMSC: 54E15 54D30
AbstractKeywords: Multi-criterion optimization; multi-purpose decision making; multi-attribution optimization; multi-criterion analysis; mathematical model; methods; software.MSC: 11B39 11B37
AbstractKeywords: General summability methods; General Tauberian theoremMSC: 40C 40E05
AbstractKeywords: Karamata's theory; sequencial class $*RV$; functional Matuszewska class; index funtion .MSC: 26A12
AbstractKeywords: fuzzy sets; bisemilatticesMSC: 04A72 06A12
AbstractKeywords: Multicriteria conflict situation; solving; John von Neumann's minimax principle; Tasković's minimax theorem; Minimax theoryMSC: 11B39 11B37
AbstractKeywords: regions of the zeros; upper bound for the moduli of the zeros; the zeros in the halfplanesMSC: 12D10
AbstractKeywords: distribution of the zeros; intervals of the zeros; zeros of a class of real polynomialsMSC: 12D10
AbstractKeywords: Minimax theory; Partially ordered sets; Games theory; Saddle points; Transversal points; Borsuk-Ulam theorem; von Neumann's theory; Minimax InequalitiesMSC: 49A40; 47H10 26A15; 54H25
AbstractKeywords: Fixed point theorems; Brouwer's theorem; Schauder's theorem; Tychonof's theorem; Markoff's theorem; Kakutani's theorem; Sadovskij's theorem; Schauder's Conjecture (Scottish Book; Problem 54)MSC: 47H10 54H25; 52A07; 55M20