Mathematica MoravicaPublisher: Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak, University of Kragujevac, ČačakISSN: 1450-5932Issue: 1_1Date: 1997Journal Homepage |
AbstractKeywords: Upper semicontinuous multifunctions; Iohvidov-Fans type theorem; fixed point; Menger space; H-Space.MSC: 54E70 54H25
AbstractKeywords: Archimedean semigroups; Munn’s lemma; Semilattices; Characterization of semilattices of left completely Archimedean semigroups.MSC: 20M10 16A30
AbstractKeywords: Decision making; multicriteria ranking; blocade conditionMSC: 47H10 26A15
AbstractKeywords: Karamata theory; index function; regularly varying functions; O-regularly varying functions; Class of Matuszewska functionsMSC: 26A12
AbstractKeywords: Tauber’s theory; Slowly varying functions; power series; Karamata’s theory; Hardy-Littlewood theoremMSC: 26A12
AbstractKeywords: Distributive lattice; modular lattice; locally finite lattice; freely generated lattice; convex setsMSC: 06A23; 06C99 51M15; 52A10
AbstractKeywords: Penrose’s equation; {1}-inverses of square matrices; rational canonical representation; representation of {1}-inversesMSC: 15A09 15A24
AbstractKeywords: Mathematical spectra; interpreter; Linear equations; Means of mathematical spectra; Appended spectra; Corresponding functionMSC: 68C05 15A19
AbstractKeywords: Affine finites; Non-isomorphic affine nets; Affine block designMSC: 20N15 52A25