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Front Page Kragujevac Journal of MathematicsPublisher: Prirodno-matematički fakultet Kragujevac, KragujevacISSN: 1450-9628Issue: 42_4Date: 2018Journal Homepage

Lower Extremities for Generalized Normalized $\delta$-Casorati Curvatures of Bi-slant Submanifolds in Generalized Complex Space Forms 591 - 605
Mohd. Aquib, Mohammad Hasan Shahid and Mohammed Jamali  
AbstractKeywords: Casorati curvature; generalized complex space form; scalar curvature; warped productMSC: 53B05 53B20; 53C40
Twist Product Derived from $\Gamma$-semihypergroup 607 - 617
S. Ostadhadi-Dehkordi  
AbstractKeywords: $\Gamma$-semihypergroup; left(right) $(\Delta;G)$-set; twist product; flat $\Gamma$-semihyper-inebreak group; absolutely flat $\Gamma$-semihypergroupMSC: 20N15
Pseudo Conharmonically Symmetric Spacetimes 619 - 630
F. Özen Zengin and A. Yavuz Taşcı  
AbstractKeywords: Conharmonic transformation; conharmonic curvature tensor; pseudo conharmonically symmetric manifold; scalar curvature; perfect fluid spacetimeMSC: 53B15 53B20; 53B30; 53C15; 53C25
Ideals of IS-algebras Based on $\mathcal N$-structures 631 - 641
Hashem Bordbar, Mohammad Mehdi Zahedi and Young Bae Jun  
AbstractKeywords: Left \rm(resp ; right\rm) $\mathcal N_\mathcal I$-ideal; translation; closed support; retrenched left \rm(resp ; right\rm) $\mathcal N_\mathcal I$-idealMSC: 06F35 03G25; 03B52
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