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Front Page FilomatPublisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, NišISSN: 0354-5180Issue: 30_15Date: 2016Journal Homepage

Could Wind and PV Energies Achieve the Grid Parity in China until 2020? 4173 - 4189
Hong Li, Yang Yu, Yuantao Xie and Jing Zhang  
AbstractKeywords: LCOE; levelized price; bottom-up cost evaluation; wind and PV power; environmental cost of coal-fired powerMSC: 62P20 90B50DOI: 10.2298/FIL1615173L
Hybridizing Support Vector Machines into Genetic Algorithm for Key Factor Exploration in Core Competence Evaluation of Aviation Manufacturing Enterprises 4191 - 4198
Linwei Zhai, Jian Qin and Lean Yu  
AbstractKeywords: hybrid approach; genetic algorithm; support vector machines; key factor exploration; core competence evaluation; aviation manufacturing enterprisesMSC: 60G25; 62M20DOI: 10.2298/FIL1615191Z
Analysis of Injection Molding for Computer Cooling Fans by Taguchi Method and Grey Relational Analysis 4199 - 4211
Chi-Hung Lo  
AbstractKeywords: injection molding; computer cooling fan; Taguchi method; grey relational analysisMSC: 62P20 90B50DOI: 10.2298/FIL1615199L
The Influence of User Community's Innovative Climate on User Knowledge Sharing Willingness 4213 - 4222
Sun Rui and Qian Kun  
AbstractKeywords: users anthropology knowledge sharing intention; users community; user support;empirical research; subjective normMSC: 62P20 90B50DOI: 10.2298/FIL1615213R
A Research on Internal Control, Cash Dividends and Enterprise Performance Based on Economic Consequences 4223 - 4234
Yilin Wang and Lei Ruan  
AbstractKeywords: economic consequences; investment decision model; fixed effects model; interactive synergetic effectMSC: 62P20 90B50DOI: 10.2298/FIL1615223W
Effects of Mobile Advertisement and Advertisement Involvement on Purchase Intention in Tourism Industry 4235 - 4242
Angela Ya-Ping Chang  
AbstractKeywords: advertisement strategy; SMS advertisement; tourism business; Internet; marketingMSC: 62P20 90B50DOI: 10.2298/FIL1615235C
The Impact of Media Reputation on Customers Behavioral Intention - The Contextual Stepwise Approach 4243 - 4252
Hao-Te Lu and Yi-Chou Wang  
AbstractKeywords: food quality; service quality; social responsibility; behavioral intentions; food priceMSC: 62P20 90B50DOI: 10.2298/FIL1615243L
On the Impact of Various Formulations of the Boundary Condition within Numerical Option Valuation by DG Method 4253 - 4263
Jiří Hozman and Tomáš Tichý  
AbstractKeywords: option; valuation; discontinuous Galerkin approach; boundary conditionMSC: 91G80DOI: 10.2298/FIL1615253H
Hysteresis Effects of R\&D Expenditures and Patents on Firm Performance: An empirical study of Hsinchu Science Park in Taiwan 4265 - 4278
Shi-Zheng Huang, Tung-Ju Wu and Hsien-Tang Tsai  
AbstractKeywords: users anthropology knowledge sharing intention; users community; user support;empirical research; subjective normMSC: 62P20 90B50DOI: 10.2298/FIL1615265H
Key Success Factor in the Innovative Transformation of State-Owned Roller Enterprises in China 4279 - 4286
Yao-Tang Liao, Tsung-Cheng Wu and Tzu-Chuan Chou  
AbstractKeywords: users anthropology knowledge sharing intention; users community; user support;empirical research; subjective normMSC: 62P20 90B50DOI: 10.2298/FIL1615279L
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