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Front Page FilomatPublisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, NišISSN: 0354-5180Issue: 32_10Date: 2018Journal Homepage

Warped product skew CR-submanifolds of Kenmotsu manifolds and their applications 3505 - 3528
Monia Fouad Naghi, Ion Mihai, Siraj Uddin and Falleh R Al-Solamy  
AbstractKeywords: warped product manifold; skew CR-submanifold; slant submanifolds; warped product skew CR-submanifold; Kenmotsu manifoldMSC: 53C25; 53C40; 53C42; 53B25DOI: 10.2298/FIL1810505N
On a Riemannian manifold with a circulant structure whose third power is the identity 3529 - 3539
Iva Dokuzova  
AbstractKeywords: Riemannian manifold; curvature tensor; circulant matrix; Lie groupMSC: 53C15; 53B20; 22E60DOI: 10.2298/FIL1810529D
Further refinements of some inequalities involving unitarily invariant norm 3541 - 3548
Chaojun Yang and Fangyan Lu  
AbstractKeywords: Unitarily invariant norm; log-convex; Cauchy-Schwarz inequality; Young inequalityMSC: 47A63; 46B20DOI: 10.2298/FIL1810541Y
Pointwise planar horizontal sections along Riemannian submersions 3549 - 3556
Şerife Nur Bozdaḡ and Bayram Şahin  
AbstractKeywords: Riemannian submersion; planar normal section; warped product manifold; planar horizontal section; Clifford algebraMSC: 53B20; 53B21DOI: 10.2298/FIL1810549B
Effects on rough i-lacunary statistical convergence to induce the weighted sequence 3557 - 3568
Sanjoy Ghosal and Mandobi Banerjee  
AbstractKeywords: Rough weighted I-lacunary statistical convergence; rough weighted I-lacunary statistical limit set; weighted I- lacunary statistical cluster points setMSC: 40A35; 40G15DOI: 10.2298/FIL1810557G
Some remarks on fuzzy k-pseudometric spaces 3567 - 3580
Alexander Šostak  
AbstractKeywords: Metric-type spaces; k-(pseudo)metric; fuzzy k-(pseudo)metric; fuzzy k-(pseudo)metric space; σ-convergence; τ- convergence; Cauchy sequences; Baire Category theoremMSC: 54A40DOI: 10.2298/FIL1810567S
More results on extremum Randić indices of (molecular) trees 3581 - 3590
Nor Hafizah Md Husin, Roslan Hasni, Zhibin Du and Akbar Ali  
AbstractKeywords: Randić index; Maximum values; Trees; OrderingMSC: 05C07; 05C35DOI: 10.2298/FIL1810581H
Well-posedness and exponential stability for coupled Lamé system with a viscoelastic damping 3591 - 3598
Noureddine Taouaf, Noureddine Amroun, Abbes Benaissa and Abderrahmane Beniani  
AbstractKeywords: Lamé system; coupled system; Lyapunov function; delay term; mandatoryMSC: 35L55 74D05; 37B25DOI: 10.2298/FIL1810591T
Incomplete q-Chebyshev polynomials 3599 - 3607
Elif Ercan, Mirac Cetin and Naim Tuglu  
AbstractKeywords: q-Chebyshev polynomials; q-Fibonacci polynomials; Incomplete polynomials; Fibonacci numberMSC: 11B39; 05A30DOI: 10.2298/FIL1810599E
Existence of solutions for a class of variational-hemivariational-like inequalities in Banach spaces 3609 - 3622
Lu-Chuan Ceng, Jen-Chih Yao and Yonghong Yao  
AbstractKeywords: Variational-hemivariational-like inequality; Generalized η-monotonicity; Clarke’s generalized directional derivative; KKM mappingMSC: 49J30; 47H09; 47J20; 49M05DOI: 10.2298/FIL1810609C
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