Computer Science and Information SystemsPublisher: ComSIS Consortium, Novi SadISSN: 1820-0214Issue: 13_3Date: 2016Journal Homepage |
AbstractKeywords: source code annotations; annotation-based language; language composition; annotation-based language composition; pure embeddingMSC: 68N15 68N30
AbstractKeywords: generic design; separation of concerns; software reuse; maintenance; component-based development; generative programming; meta-programmingMSC: 68N19 68N30
AbstractKeywords: feature modeling; transformation; metatransformation; generative process; reuse; change; customization; software product lines; variabilityMSC: 68N19 68N30
AbstractKeywords: WSDL; Web Services Comprehension; LSPMSC: 68N19 68M14
AbstractKeywords: Gamification; E-Learning; Game services; InteroperabilityMSC: 68U35 97U50
AbstractKeywords: project management; metamodeling approach; plug-in; small-sized software enterprisesMSC: 68N30 68N19
AbstractKeywords: Moprosoft; Computer Science and Informatics curricular programs; software industry; SMEs; software engineering best practicesMSC: 68N30 68N19
AbstractKeywords: software quality; very small organizations; software process; ISO/IEC 29110; ISO/IEC 25010MSC: 68N30 68N19
AbstractKeywords: Software Process Improvement; Process Management; Project Management; ProPAMMSC: 68N30 68N19
AbstractKeywords: BNML; e-commerce adoption; focus group; Iberia; internationalizationMSC: 68U35 91D30