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Front Page Computer Science and Information SystemsPublisher: ComSIS Consortium, Novi SadISSN: 1820-0214Issue: 12_2Date: 2015Journal Homepage

Statistical User Behavior Detection and QoE Evaluation for Thin Client Services 587 - 605
Mirko Suznjevic, Lea Skorin-Kapov and Iztok Humar  
AbstractKeywords: user behavior; remote desktop connection; traffic classification; machine learning; QoEMSC: 68M11 62H30
Towards an engine for coordination-based architectural reconfigurations 607 - 634
Flávio Rodrigues, Nuno Oliveira and Luís S. Barbosa  
AbstractKeywords: domain-specific languages; architectural reconfiguration; coordinationMSC: 68N30 68N19
Tuning a Semantic Relatedness Algorithm using a Multiscale Approach 635 - 654
José Paulo Leal and Teresa Costa  
AbstractKeywords: Semantic similarity; Linked data; Genetic algorithms; Bootstrapping; WordNetMSC: 68T50 68T05
On Distributed Concern Delivery in User Interface Design 655 - 681
Tomas Cerny, Miroslav Macik, Michael J. Donahoo and Jan Janousek  
AbstractKeywords: user interface; evaluation study; separation of concerns; responsivenessMSC: 68U35 68N19
Teaching Pragmatic Model-Driven Software Development 683 - 705
Jaroslav Porubän, Michaela Bačíková, Sergej Chodarev and Milan Nosál’  
AbstractKeywords: Model-driven Software Development; Teaching; Case Study; Iterative MDSD; Visualisation Tool; Pragmatic MDSD; Domain-Specific LanguagesMSC: 68U35 68N19
Model-Driven Acceptance Test Automation Based on Use Cases 707 - 728
Tomasz Straszak and Michał Śmiałek  
AbstractKeywords: acceptance testing; test generation; use cases; metamodel; model transformationMSC: 68N19 68U35
VANET Middleware for Service Sharing based on OSGi 729 - 742
Juan Luo, Qiu Pan and Zanyi He  
AbstractKeywords: VANET; middleware; OSGi; service discoveryMSC: 68M14 68M20
A Meta-Modeling Framework for a Specific Social Domain: Public Opinion Event 743 - 763
Zongchen Fan, Xiaogang Qiu, Weihui Dai, Yuanzheng Ge, Liang Liu and Yunsuo Duan  
AbstractKeywords: agent-based modeling and simulation; methodology; meta-modeling framework; public opinionMSC: 68T42 91D30
Dynamic Load Balancing Technology for Cloud-oriented CDN 765 - 786
Hui He, Yana Feng, Zhigang Li, Zhenguang Zhu, Weizhe Zhang and Albert Cheng  
AbstractKeywords: content delivery network (CDN); dynamic load balancing; LVS; Weighted Least ConnectionMSC: 68M11 68M14
Human-level Moving Object Recognition from Traffic Video 787 - 799
Fei Zhu, Quan Liu, Shan Zhong and Yang Yang  
AbstractKeywords: Q-learning; deep learning; moving object recognition; traffic video; big dataMSC: 68T10 62M45
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