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Front Page Computer Science and Information SystemsPublisher: ComSIS Consortium, Novi SadISSN: 1820-0214Issue: 11_4Date: 2014Journal Homepage

DMOSS: Open Source Software Documentation Assessment 1191 - 1207
Nuno Ramos Carvalho, Alberto Simões and José João Almeida  
AbstractKeywords: open source, documentation analysis, data miningMSC: 68N30 68T50
PaaS Manager: A Platform-as-a-Service Aggregation Framework 1209 - 1228
David Cunha, Pedro Neves and Pedro Sousa  
AbstractKeywords: Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), Interoperability, PaaS APIsMSC: 68U35 68M11
Modeling Constraint-based Processes: a Supervisory Control Theory Application 1229 - 1247
Eduardo Alves Portela Santos, Agnelo Denis Vieira, Sauro Schaidt and Eduardo de Freitas Rocha Loures  
AbstractKeywords: constraint-based processes, Supervisory Control Theory, declarative languages, flexible processesMSC: 68N19 68N30
Rule based strategies for large extensive-form games: A specification language for No-Limit Texas Hold’em agents 1249 - 1269
Luís Filipe Teófilo, Luís Paulo Reis, Henrique Lopes Cardoso and Pedro Mendes  
AbstractKeywords: expert systems, knowledge representation, decision support systems, computer poker, rule based strategies, specification languageMSC: 68U35 68T42
XML Schema metrics for quality evaluation 1271 - 1289
Maja Pušnik, Marjan Heričko, Zoran Budimac and Boštjan Šumak  
AbstractKeywords: XML Schema, metrics, quality variables, Quality index, evaluation, validationMSC: 68P15 68N30
Towards Building a Forensics Aware Language for Secure Logging 1291 - 1314
Shams Zawoad, Marjan Mernik and Ragib Hasan  
AbstractKeywords: DSL, Secure Logging, Audit Trail, Digital ForensicsMSC: 68N19 68P30
Visual Programming of MPI Applications: Debugging, Performance Analysis, and Performance Prediction 1315 - 1336
Stanislav Böhm, Marek Běhálek, Ondřej Meca and Martin Šurkovský  
AbstractKeywords: MPI, debugging, performance analysis, performance predictionMSC: 68N19 68W10
A New Approach to Instruction-Idioms Detection in a Retargetable Decompiler 1337 - 1359
Jakub Křoustek, Fridolín Pokorný and Dušan Kolář  
AbstractKeywords: compiler optimizations, reverse engineering, decompiler, Lissom, instruction idioms, LLVM, LLVM IRMSC: 68N20 68N19
SimpleConcepts: A Lightweight Extension to C++ to Support Constraints on Generic Types 1361 - 1379
Reed Milewicz, Marjan Mernik and Peter Pirkelbauer  
AbstractKeywords: Generic Programming, C++ Templates, C++ ConceptsMSC: 68N19 68N20
A new code transformation technique for nested loops 1381 - 1416
Ivan Šimeček and Pavel Tvrdík  
AbstractKeywords: Source code optimization, loop transformations, model of cache behaviorMSC: 68N20 68M20
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