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Front Page Computer Science and Information SystemsPublisher: ComSIS Consortium, Novi SadISSN: 1820-0214Issue: 11_1Date: 2014Journal Homepage

Sentiment Analysis Based on Fuzzy Propagation in Online Social Networks: a Case study on TweetScope 215 - 228
Duc Nguyen Trung and Jason J. Jung  
AbstractKeywords: Sentiment analysis, Opinion mining, Online social media, Fuzzy propagation, Information diffusionMSC: 62H30 68M11
Same Wavelength Group Identification from Online Social Networks: A General Framework 229 - 239
Rafeeque Pandara Chalil and Selvaraju Sendhilkumar  
AbstractKeywords: Same wavelength group, Sentiment analysis, Behavioural analysis, Overlapping community, HomophilyMSC: 62H30 68M11
Black-Box Testing of Practical Movie Recommendation Systems: a Comparative Study 241 - 249
Namhee Lee, Jason J. Jung, Ali Selamat and Dosam Hwang  
AbstractKeywords: Social networks, Recommendation systems, Black-box testing, Comparative studyMSC: 68U35 68M11
Revisiting Snapshot Algorithms by Refinement-based Techniques 251 - 270
Manamiary Bruno Andriamiarina, Dominique Méry and Neeraj Kumar Singh  
AbstractKeywords: Distributed algorithms, correctness-by-construction, refinement, snapshot, verificationMSC: 68W15 68N30
Towards hybrid client-side cache management in network-based file systems 271 - 289
Xiuqiao Li, Limin Xiao, Ke Xie, Bin Dong, Li Ruan and Dongmei Liu  
AbstractKeywords: client-side caching, small files, network-based file systemMSC: 68N25 68M10
Duplication Problem in Treaty systems: Causes and Solutions 291 - 308
Yining Zhao and Alan Wood  
AbstractKeywords: Behaviour Control, Access Control, Duplication Problem, Treaties, Distributed ComputingMSC: 68M15 68M14
Probability-Model based Network Traffic Matrix Estimation 309 - 320
Hui Tian, Yingpeng Sang, Hong Shen and Chunyue Zhou  
AbstractKeywords: traffic matrix estimation, probability model, NRMSEMSC: 68R10 68M10
Recommender and Guidance Strategies for Creating Personal Mashup Learning Environments 321 - 342
Alexander Nussbaumer, Daniel Dahrendorf, Hans-Christian Schmitz, Milos Kravcık, Marcel Berthold and Dietrich Albert  
AbstractKeywords: self-regulated learning, personal learning environments, recommender, widget, widget store, mashup, ontology, learning activitiesMSC: 68T05 68T35
AMASE: A framework for supporting personalised activity-based learning on the web 343 - 367
Athanasios Staikopoulos, Ian O'Keeffe, Rachael Rafter, Eddie Walsh, Bilal Yousuf, Owen Conlan and Vincent Wade  
AbstractKeywords: Adaptive Framework, Personalised Learning, Learning Activities, Adaptive Services and WorkflowMSC: 68T05 68U35
Towards a Low Cost Adaptation of Educational Games for People with Disabilities 369 - 391
Javier Torrente, Ángel del Blanco, Ángel Serrano-Laguna, José Ángel Vallejo Pinto, Pablo Moreno Ger and Baltasar Fernández Manjón  
AbstractKeywords: accessibility, educational games, serious games, universal designMSC: 68N99 68U35
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