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of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
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Publisher: Mathematical Institute SASA, Belgrade
ISSN: 1821-1437
Issue: 9_3
Date: 2007
MathArt and e-Books
Editorial Board
Mwani Colour Inversion, Symmetry and Cycle Matrices
Paulus Gerdes
MSC: 11C20
4-piece Dissection of Juel's Pyramid to a Triangular Prism
Izidor Hafner
MSC: 52B10
Visual examples of a theorem of the axonometry
Izidor Hafner
MSC: 52B10
Three dimensional illustrations for some propositions from Euclid's Elements
Izidor Hafner
MSC: 52B10
3D illustrations to Chapter 8 of Cromwell's Polyhedra
Izidor Hafner and Tomislav Zitko
MSC: 52B10
Three "key" problems of mathematics on the stage of its origin, the "Harmony Mathematics" and its applications in contemporary mathematics, theoretical physics and computer science
Alexey Stakhov
MSC: 00A30 00A66
Review of the alternative choices concerning face colouring of all the regular convex polyhedra and a pair of Catalan polyhedra, the rhombic dodecahedron and the rhombic triacontahedron
Livio Zefiro
MSC: 52B10
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