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Publisher: Mathematical Institute SASA, Belgrade
ISSN: 1821-1437
Issue: 9_2
Date: 2007
MathArt and e-Books
Editorial Board
Hinged Dissection of a "Rhombic" Solid to the Truncated Icosidodecahedron
Izidor Hafner
MSC: 52B10
Dissection of a Rhombic Solid to the Truncated Dodecahedron and the Icosahedron
Izidor Hafner
MSC: 52B10
Equidecomposability of Pentagonal Antiprism and Metabidinimished Icosahedron
Izidor Hafner
MSC: 52B10
Dissection of Triangular Hebesphenorotunda, Steward Toroid, and Drilled Pentagonal Gyrobicupola
Izidor Hafner
MSC: 52B10
Paper Model Solution of Conway-Radin-Sadun Problem
Izidor Hafner and Tomislav Žitko
MSC: 52B10
Decomposition of three bilunabirotundas and dodecahedron to rhombic solids
Izidor Hafner
MSC: 52B10
Dissection of tridiminished icosahedron (J63) and Stewart toroid G3 to rhombic solids, and dissection of icosahedron and drilled G3 to rhombic solids
Izidor Hafner
MSC: 52B10
Dissection of small stellated dodecahedron and great stellated dodecahedron to rhombic triacontahedron and hexecontahedron
Izidor Hafner
MSC: 52B10
Projective planes and the Tripartite Unity
Ton Marar
MSC: 51A05
A Penrose-type Islamic Interlacing Pattern
Brian Wichmann and John Rigby
MSC: 52C23
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