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Front Page The Teaching of MathematicsPublisher: Društvo matematičara Srbije, BeogradISSN: 1451-4966 (Print), 2406-1077 (Online)Issue: XX_1Date: 2017Journal Homepage

A view on research in mathematics education in Republic of Srpska during 2010-2015 through quantitative analysis of published texts 1 - 12
Ryan Andrew Nivens and Daniel A. Romano  
AbstractKeywords: academic journals; publication analysis; publishing; researchers; scientific journalsMSC: 97A30 A35
Cramer's rule for nonsingular $m \times n$ matrices 13 - 19
Azamat Akhtyamov, Meirav Amram, Miriam Dagan and Artour Mouftahkov  
AbstractKeywords: Cramer's rule; matrix; minors; linear algebra; augmented matrixMSC: 97H60 H65
An interpolation approach to $\zeta(2n)$ 20 - 25
Samuel G. Moreno and Esther M. García-Caballero  
AbstractKeywords: Riemann $\zeta$-function; interpolationMSC: 97I30 I35
A research on the creation of problems for mathematical competitions 26 - 36
Andreas Poulos  
AbstractKeywords: mathematical problem posing; mathematics competitions; creativityMSC: 97D50 D54
Limits of sequences and functions from certain classes 37 - 45
D. M. Bătineţu-Giurgiu, Anastasios Kotronis and Neculai Stanciu  
AbstractKeywords: limit of a sequence; limit of a function; problem solvingMSC: 97D50; 97I30 D55; I35

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