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Front Page Review of the National Center for DigitizationPublisher: Faculty of Mathematics, BelgradeISSN: 1820-0109Issue: 6Date: 2005
This is the second of two special volumes containing papers presented at the international conference Digitization of National Heritage 2004, June, 3–5, 2004, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, organized by the National center for digitization

The graven image - digitized and philosophized 12 - 44
Mícheál Mac an Airchinnigh  
AbstractKeywords: artefact, digital age, digital culture, game, graven image, pattern language, philosophizing, play
DjVu - the standard for scanned documents 45 - 52
Filip Brčić  
AbstractKeywords: DjVu, scanned, text, documents, National Center for Digitization
Transpoetika project: digital technologies and distributed learning in foreign language study 53 - 57
Toma Tasovac  
AbstractKeywords: digitization, distributed learning
Edutainment (Game) - Digital (Re)Discovery of Culture 58 - 68
Kalina Sotirova  
AbstractKeywords: edutainment, education philosophy, game, discovery
Museum information system - design methodology, implementation and perspectives 69 - 77
Vesna Bižić-Omčikus, Miroslav Mitrović and Zoran Cvetković  
AbstractKeywords: Museum information system, application software, information system modelling
Hesperia: the electronic corpus of palaeo-hispanic inscriptions and linguistic records 78 - 89
Eugenio R. Luján  
AbstractKeywords: epigraphy, inscriptions, pre-Roman languages, onomastics, databases
A Z39.50 gateway implementation 90 - 94
Željko Pajkić, Dejan Jovanović and Zoran Ognjanović  
AbstractKeywords: Z39.50, web, distributed databases, gateway, server, digitization
Digitization of Polish historic(al) dictionaries 95 - 102
Tadeusz Piotrowski  
AbstractKeywords: digitization, dictionaries, Polish lexicography
Chronological distribution of the coin finds in Bulgaria for a quarter century (1910-1934) 103 - 107
Jordan Tabov, Kliment Vasilev and Asen Velchev  
AbstractKeywords: digitization, coin finds, chronological distribution
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