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Matematički Vesnik
Publisher: Društvo matematičara Srbije, Beograd
ISSN: 0025-5165 (Print), 2406-0682 (Online)
Issue: 23_1
Date: 1971
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Editorial Board
Solution générale d'une classe d'équations fonctionnelles cycliques linéaires et non homogènes
171 - 180
B. M. Zarić
MSC: 39B22
Sur le semi-product scalaire dans quelques espaces vectoriels normés
181 - 185
P. M. Miličić
MSC: 46C50
On MHD fluctuating flow in slip-flow regime with variable suction
187 - 198
V. M. Soundalgekar
Remark on a paper of R. Dacić
199 - 200
PL. Kannappan
MSC: 39B52
Jedna približna metoda za odredjivanje fundamentalne matrice sistema linearnih diferencijalnih jednačina
201 - 204
D. J. Mikičić
MSC: 65L99
Neke oblasti u $C^{2}$
205 - 207
M. Nikić
MSC: 32A99
A note on the distributional boundary values of analytic functions
209 - 211
D. Mitrović
MSC: 46F20
Po dijelovima linearna topologija
213 - 231
K. Horvatić
MSC: 54F65
On the convergence of sequences defined by difference equations
249 - 260
E. Udovičić
MSC: 40A05
Some properties of generalized Hermite polynomials
261 - 265
A. Pain
MSC: 33C45
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