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Front Page Matematički VesnikPublisher: Društvo matematičara Srbije, BeogradISSN: 0025-5165 (Print), 2406-0682 (Online)Issue: 69_4Date: 2017Journal Homepage

Remarks on partial $b$-metric spaces and fixed point theorems 231 - 240
N. V. Dung and V. T. L. Hang  
AbstractKeywords: fixed point; $b$-metric; partial metric; partial $b$-metric.MSC: 47H10 54H25; 54D99; 54E99
Quasi-regularity of harmonic maps based on Blaschke products 241 - 247
R. Elmarghani  
AbstractKeywords: quasiconformal maps; harmonic maps; quasiregular maps.MSC: 30C99
The metric dimension of comb product graph 248 - 258
S. W. Saputro, N. Mardiana and I. A. Purwasih  
AbstractKeywords: basis; comb product; metric dimension; resolving set.MSC: 05C12 05C76
Linear Hamiltonian system in scale of Hilbert spaces 259 - 270
O. Zubelevich  
AbstractKeywords: linear PDE; infinite dimensional Hamiltonian system.MSC: 35A01 37K05; 35A02
Existence of three weak solutions for a quasilinear Dirichlet problem 271 - 280
S. Shokooh and G. A. Afrouzi  
AbstractKeywords: Dirichlet boundary condition; variational methods; critical points.MSC: 34B15 34B18; 58E05
Symmetric tilings in the square lattice 281 - 295
M. Muzika Dizdarević  
AbstractKeywords: symmetric Z-tiling; ring of invariants; Gröbner bases.MSC: 52C20 13P10
Existence of one weak solution for $p(x)$-biharmonic equations involving a concave-convex nonlinearity 296 - 307
R. A. Mashiyev, G. Alisoy and I. Ekincioglu  
AbstractKeywords: critical points; $p(x)$-biharmonic operator; Navier boundary conditions; concave-convex nonlinearities; Mountain Pass Theorem; Ekeland's variational principle.MSC: 35J60 35J48

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