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Front Page Matematički VesnikPublisher: Društvo matematičara Srbije, BeogradISSN: 0025-5165 (Print), 2406-0682 (Online)Issue: 60_4Date: 2008Journal Homepage

Growth and oscillation theory of solutions of some linear differential equations 233 - 246
Benharrat Belaidi  
AbstractKeywords: Linear differential equations; Meromorphic solutions; Hyper order; Exponent of convergence of the sequence of distinct zeros; Hyper exponent of convergence of the sequence of distinct zeros.MSC: 34M10 30D35
Bounds on Roman domination numbers of graphs 247 - 253
B.P. Mobaraky and S.M. Sheikholeslami  
AbstractKeywords: Roman domination number, diameter, girth.MSC: 05C69 05C05
On bitopological paracompactness 255 - 259
M.K. Bose, Arup Roy Choudhury and Ajoy Mukharjee  
AbstractKeywords: Pairwise Hausdorff; pairwise regular; strongly pairwise regular; pairwise normal; pairwise compact; locally finite; pairwise paracompact.MSC: 54E55Zbl: 1199.54175
Common fixed point of self-maps in intuitionistic fuzzy metric spaces 261 - 268
Sh. Rezapour  
AbstractKeywords: Intuitionistic fuzzy metric space; $f$-invariant; fixed point.MSC: 47H10 54H25
On weakly conformally symmetric manifolds 269 - 284
A. A. Shaikh, M. Hasan Shahid and Shyamal Kumar Hui  
AbstractKeywords: Weakly conformally symmetric manifold; conformal curvature tensor; conformal transformation; scalar curvature.MSC: 53B35 53B05 53B05Zbl: 1224.53033
The dependence of the eigenvalues of the Sturm-liouville problem on boundary conditions 285 - 294
T. N. Harutyunyan  
AbstractKeywords: Sturm-Liouville problem, eigenvalue, eigenvalues function, boundary conditions.MSC: 34L20 47E05Zbl: 1199.34458
Multiplicities of compact lie group representations via Berezin quantization 295 - 309
Benjamin Cahen  
AbstractKeywords: Decomposition of a unitary representation; Berezin quantization; Berezin symbol; multiplicity; flag manifold; semi-simple compact Lie group.MSC: 22E46 43A65 32M10 46E22 81S30Zbl: 1199.22016
60 years of Matematički Vesnik 310 - 310
Editorial Board  

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