Matematički VesnikPublisher: Društvo matematičara Srbije, BeogradISSN: 0025-5165 (Print), 2406-0682 (Online)Issue: 45_1-4Date: 1993Journal Homepage |
AbstractKeywords: Functional eqautionMSC: 39B22
AbstractKeywords: Dimension dmMSC: 54F45
AbstractKeywords: Functional differential equation, boundary value problem, expansion theorem.MSC: 34K10 47E05
AbstractKeywords: Linearly ordered topological spacesMSC: 54F05
AbstractKeywords: Smalltalk, automatic modification, method, environmentMSC: 68N15
AbstractKeywords: Banach space, uniform convexityMSC: 46B20 46B42
AbstractKeywords: $\beta$-perfect function, operator $\alpha$, $\beta$-set, $\gamma$-set, $\beta$-closed function, $\beta$-convergence and $\beta$-adherence of filter-bases.MSC: 54C10
AbstractKeywords: $g$-angleMSC: 46B20 46C50
AbstractKeywords: Locally convex space, support of a linear mapping.MSC: 46A03 46E10
AbstractKeywords: Locally convex spaces, closed graph theoremMSC: 46A30