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Front Page Mathematica MoravicaPublisher: Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak, University of Kragujevac, ČačakISSN: 1450-5932Issue: 20_1Date: 2016Journal Homepage

Obituary in memory of Slavik Jablan (1952-2015) 1 - 6
Ljiljana Radović, Rale Nikolić and Mališa Žižović  
On the Logarithmic Integral and the Convolution 7 - 16
Brian Fisher and Fatma Al-Sihery  
AbstractKeywords: Logarithmic integral; distribution; convolution; neutrix; neutrix convolutionMSC: 33B10; 46F10DOI: 10.5937/MatMor1601007B
Periodic Solutions for Neutral Nonlinear Difference Equations with Functional Delay 17 - 29
Imene Soualhia, Abdelouaheb Ardjouni and Ahcene Djoudi  
AbstractKeywords: Krasnoselskii theorem; Fixed point; Periodic solutions; Large contraction; Difference equationsMSC: 39A10; 39A12DOI: 10.5937/MatMor1601017S
Solvability of Boundary Value Problems for Second Order Impulsive Differential Equations on Whole Line with a Non-Carathédory Nonlinearity 31 - 49
Xiaohu Yang and Yuji Liu  
AbstractKeywords: Second order impulsive differential equation; boundary value problem; non-Carathéodory nonlinearity; fixed point theoremMSC: 34B37; 34B40; 34B16DOI: 10.5937/MatMor1601031Y
Some Results on the q-Beta Function 51 - 57
Emrah Yildirim and İnci Ege  
AbstractKeywords: neutrix; neutrix limit; beta Function; q-beta function; q-integral; q-integration; q-derivativeMSC: 33D05 05A30; 33B15DOI: 10.5937/MatMor1601051Y
Asymmetric Maximal and Minimal Open Sets 59 - 67
Ajoy Mukharjee, Arup Roy Choudhury and M.K. Bose  
AbstractKeywords: $(\mathscr{P}_{i}; \mathscr{P}_{j})$maximal open set; $(\mathscr{P}_{i}; \mathscr{P}_{j})$minimal open set; pairwise maximal open set; pairwise minimal open set; disconnected bitopological spaceMSC: 54E55 54A05DOI: 10.5937/MatMor1601059M
Strong Convergence Theorem for Generalized Mixed Equilibrium Problems and Bregman Nonexpansive Mapping in Banach Spaces 69 - 87
Vahid Darvish  
AbstractKeywords: Banach space; Bregman projection; Bregman distance; Bregman strongly nonexpansive mapping; fixed point; generalized mixed equilibrium problemMSC: 47H05 58C30DOI: 10.5937/MatMor1601069D
Slant Helices, Darboux Helices and Similar Curves in Dual Space $\mathbb{D}^{3}$ 89 - 103
Burak Şahiner and Mehmet Önder  
AbstractKeywords: Dual space; dual slant helix; dual Darboux helix; dual similar curvesMSC: 53A25 53A40DOI: 10.5937/MatMor1601089S
Characterization of triple $\chi^{3}$ sequence spaces via Orlicz functions 105 - 114
N. Subramanian and A. Esi  
AbstractKeywords: Gai sequence; analytic sequence; triple sequence;dual space; Orlicz spaceMSC: 40A05 40C05; 40D05DOI: 10.5937/MatMor1601105S
The strongly generalized triple difference $\Gamma^{3}$ sequence spaces defined by a modulus 115 - 123
T.V.G. Shri Prakash, M. Chandramouleeswaran and N. Subramanian  
AbstractKeywords: entire sequence; analytic sequence; triple sequence;difference sequenceMSC: 40A05 40C05; 40D05DOI: 10.5937/MatMor1601115P
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