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Front Page FilomatPublisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, NišISSN: 0354-5180Issue: 31_9Date: 2017Journal Homepage

Existence and uniqueness of positive solutions for boundary value problems of fractional differential equations 2675 - 2682
Hojjat Afshari, Hamidreza Marasi and Hassen Aydi  
AbstractKeywords: Fractional differential equation; normal cone; boundary value problem; mixed monotone operatorMSC: 47H10; 54H25.DOI: 10.2298/FIL1709675A
On f ε 2 -planar mappings with function ε of (pseudo-) Riemannian manifolds 2683 - 2689
Hana Chudá, Nadezda Guseva and Patrik Peška  
AbstractKeywords: Fε2-planar mapping; PQ ε-projective mapping; F-planar mapping; (pseudo-) Riemannian manifoldsMSC: 53B10; 53B20; 53B30; 53B35; 53B50DOI: 10.2298/FIL1709683C
On asymptotically Wijsman lacunary statistical convergence of set sequences in ideal context 2691 - 2703
Bipan Hazarika and Ayhan Esi  
AbstractKeywords: Asymptotic equivalence; statistical convergence; lacunary statistical convergence; ideal; ideal convergence; Wijsman convergenceMSC:  40A35; 40G15DOI: 10.2298/FIL1709691H
The existence of Siegel disks for the Cremona map 2705 - 2712
Yong-Guo Shi and Qian Zhang  
AbstractKeywords: Cremona map; Siegel disk; Small divisors problem; Brjuno conditionMSC: 39A10; 39B32; 34A25DOI: 10.2298/FIL1709705S
An efficient iterative algorithm for solving non-linear oscillation problems 2713 - 2726
S Ö Korkut Uysal and G Tanoğlu  
AbstractKeywords: Non-linear Magnus Integrator; Exponential Integrator; Iterative Splitting; Non-linear Oscillation Problems; Convergence AnalysisMSC: 65L05; 65L20; 65L70DOI: 10.2298/FIL1709713K
Asymptotic behavior of second-order impulsive partial stochastic functional neutral integrodifferential equations with infinite delay 2727 - 2748
Zuomao Yan and Xiumei Jia  
AbstractKeywords: Asymptotic stability; Impulsive partial stochastic functional neutral integrodifferential equations; Infinite delay; Strongly continuous cosine families; Fixed point theoremMSC: 34A37; 34F05; 35R60; 60H15; 35B35DOI: 10.2298/FIL1709727Y
Distortion and covering theorems of pluriharmonic mappings 2749 - 2762
Shaolin Chen and Saminathan Ponnusamy  
AbstractKeywords: Pluriharmonic mapping; distortion theorem; linear invariant family; quasiregular mappingMSC: 31B05; 32A10; 32H02; 31C10; 30C65DOI: 10.2298/FIL1709749C
Existence of solutions for a second order boundary value problem with the Clarke subdifferential 2763 - 2771
Dalila Azzam-Laouir and Samira Melit  
AbstractKeywords: Clarke subdifferential; Differential inclusion; Fixed point theorem; Mixed semicontinuityMSC: 34A60; 34B15; 47H10DOI: 10.2298/FIL1709763A
Uniquely remotal sets in Banach spaces 2773 - 2777
M Sababheh, A Yousef and R Khalil  
AbstractKeywords: Uniquely remotal sets; Farthest points; Approximation theory in Banach spacesMSC: 46B20; 41A50; 41A65DOI: 10.2298/FIL1709773S
Pointwise topological convergence and topological graph convergence of set-valued maps 2779 - 2785
L Holá and G Kwiecí Nska  
AbstractKeywords: quasicontinuity; lower quasicontinuous set-valued map; pointwise topological convergence; topological graph convergence; usco map; minimal usco mapMSC: 54C05; 54C08; 54C60DOI: 10.2298/FIL1709779H
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