FilomatPublisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, NišISSN: 0354-5180Issue: 29_9Date: 2015Journal Homepage |
AbstractKeywords: soft sets; fuzzy set; fuzzy soft payoff; Nash equilibrium; probabilistic equilibrium solutionMSC: 03E72; 08A72DOI: 10.2298/FIL1509901D
AbstractKeywords: the random graph; the Rado graph; isomorphic subgraph; partial order; maximal antichain; almost disjoint families; mad familiesMSC: 05C80; 05C63; 06A06DOI: 10.2298/FIL1509919K
AbstractKeywords: Holling II predator-prey model; Markov chain; jumps; persistence and extinctionMSC: 60H10 34F05; 92D25DOI: 10.2298/FIL1509925Z
AbstractKeywords: almost geodesic mappings; ane connected space; almost geodesic mappings of the third type; property of reciprocityMSC: 53B05 53B20; 53C15DOI: 10.2298/FIL1509941S
AbstractKeywords: harmonic quasiconformal mappingsMSC: 30C62; 31A05 30C55DOI: 10.2298/FIL1509953M
AbstractKeywords: matrix multiplication; fault-tolerance; systolic arraysMSC: 68M07 68Q35DOI: 10.2298/FIL1509969M
AbstractKeywords: sssential spectra; semi-Fredholm operators; measure of noncompactness; polynomially perturbation operatorsMSC: 47A53; 47A55 47A10DOI: 10.2298/FIL1509983A
AbstractKeywords: regularly varying solutions; slowly varying solutions; asymptotic behavior of solutions; positive solutions; second order quasilinear differential equationsMSC: 34A34 26A12DOI: 10.2298/FIL1509995M
AbstractKeywords: fixed point; multi-valued mapping; metric space; Picard sequenceMSC: 47H10 54H25DOI: 10.2298/FIL1509011V
AbstractKeywords: distance spectral radius; maximum degree; tree; perfect matchingMSC: 05C50 05C35; 05C12; 05C70DOI: 10.2298/FIL1509021L