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Front Page Computer Science and Information SystemsPublisher: ComSIS Consortium, Novi SadISSN: 1820-0214Issue: 19_3Date: 2022Journal Homepage

DRN-SEAM: A Deep Residual Network Based on Squeeze-and-Excitation Attention Mechanism for Motion Recognition in Education 1427 - 1444
Xinxiang Hua  
AbstractKeywords: motion recognition; deep residual network; squeeze-and-excitation; attention mechanism; educationMSC: 68T10; 62H30
Human Action Recognition Using a Depth Sequence Key-frames Based on Discriminative Collaborative Representation Classifier for Healthcare Analytics 1445 - 1462
Yuhang Wang, Tao Feng and Yi Zheng  
AbstractKeywords: action recognition; deep map sequence; deep spatial-temporal energy map; discriminative CRC; energy informationMSC: 68T10; 62H30
A Novel Deep LeNet-5 Convolutional Neural Network Model for Image Recognition 1463 - 1480
Jingsi Zhang, Xiaosheng Yu, Xiaoliang Lei and Chengdong Wu  
AbstractKeywords: CNN; image recognition; feature extraction; deep LeNet-5; L ReLUMSC: 68T10; 62H30
Application of Wearable Motion Sensor in Business English Teaching 1481 - 1498
Dan Lu and Fen Guo  
AbstractKeywords: wearable motion sensor; business english; business english teachingMSC: 68T10; 62H30
Construction of Innovative Thinking Training System for Computer Majors under the Background of New Engineering Subject 1499 - 1516
Guoxun Zheng, Xiaoxian Zhang, Ruojin Wang, Liang Zhao, Chengming Wang and Chunlai Wang  
AbstractKeywords: new engineering subject; computer major; personnel training; educational idea; industry-university cooperation; teaching reformMSC: 97C30; 97C50
Multimedia Teaching System Based on Art Interaction Technology 1517 - 1532
Xiaozhong Chen  
AbstractKeywords: mixed learning; MOOC platform; multimedia teaching; art interactionMSC: 97C80; 68U35
The research and implementation feasibility analysis of an intelligent robot for simulating navigational English dialogue under the background of artificial intelligence 1533 - 1548
Wei Sun  
AbstractKeywords: artificial intelligence; simulated navigational english conversation; dialogue robot; teaching and reproduction; speech recognition; two-dimensional error; conditional random field (CRF)MSC: 68T10; 62H30
Interactive and Innovative Technologies for Smart Education 1549 - 1564
Babatomiwa Omonayajo, Fadi Al-Turjman and Nadire Cavus  
AbstractKeywords: smart education; technologies; innovation; interaction; e-learningMSC: 97C80; 68U35
The Impact of Digital Transformation in Teachers' Professional Development During The COVID-19 Pandemic 1565 - 1582
Ayden Kahraman and Huseyin Bicen  
AbstractKeywords: COVID-19; pandemic; teacher development; online teaching; distance education; digital transformationMSC: 97C80; 97C60
Data mining technology in the analysis of college students' psychological problems 1583 - 1596
Jia Yu and JingJing Lin  
AbstractKeywords: data mining; data preprocessing; decision tree; college students' psychological problemsMSC: 68T10; 62H30
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