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Front Page Computer Science and Information SystemsPublisher: ComSIS Consortium, Novi SadISSN: 1820-0214Issue: 13_1Date: 2016Journal Homepage

Correcting the Hub Occurrence Prediction Bias in Many Dimensions 1 - 21
Nenad Tomašev, Krisztian Buza and Dunja Mladenić  
AbstractKeywords: instance selection; data reduction; classification; bias; k-nearest neighbor; hubness; curse of dimensionalityMSC: 68T10 62H30
Obtaining Structural Descriptions of Building Façades 23 - 43
Petar Vračar, Igor Kononenko and Marko Robnik-Šikonja  
AbstractKeywords: facade segmentation; window detection; formal grammar; urban environment; image segmentationMSC: 68T10 62H30
S-TFRC: An Efficient Rate Control Scheme for Multimedia Handovers 45 - 69
Imdad Ullah, Zawar Shah and Adeel Baig  
AbstractKeywords: Vertical Handover; Link Stability; Heterogeneous Networks; DCCP; TFRC; S-TFRC; WiMAX; LTEMSC: 68M10 94C15
Packet Dispersion Strategy Evaluation from the Perspective of Packet Loss Pattern and VoIP Quality 71 - 92
Nemanja Ninkovic, Slavko Gajin and Irini Reljin  
AbstractKeywords: Burst loss; Markov Model; Packet dispersion; Voice over IP; Quality of serviceMSC: 68M11 68M20
Publish/Subscribe Scheme For Content Centric MANETs 93 - 114
Xian Guo, Tao Feng, Cheng Chen and Tong Liu  
AbstractKeywords: ICN; CCN/NDN; content delivery; MANETMSC: 68M10 94C15
Preserving Source- and Sink-location Privacy in Sensor Networks 115 - 130
Sangho Lee, Jong Kim and Yoonho Kim  
AbstractKeywords: sensor networks; location privacy; global eavesdropper; compromised node; information leakMSC: 68M10 94C15
Efficient Processing of Continuous Queries Utilizing F-relationship in Stock Databases 131 - 149
Sanghyun Park, You-min Ha, Chihyun Park and Sang-Wook Kim  
AbstractKeywords: Stock databases; Continuous query processing; F-relationshipMSC: 68P20 62M10
Current Prospects Towards Energy-Efficient Top HPC Systems 151 - 171
Sonja Filiposka, Anastas Mishev and Carlos Juiz  
AbstractKeywords: energy efficiency; green computing; HPC; power consumption; performancesMSC: 68M99 68W10
A Systematic Data Collection Procedure for Software Defect Prediction 173 - 197
Goran Mauša, Tihana Galinac Grbac and Bojana Dalbelo Bašić  
AbstractKeywords: software defect prediction; data collection issues; dataset bias; bug-code linking; open-source projectsMSC: 68N30 62H30
Aspects and Roles in Software Modeling: A Composition Based Comparison 199 - 216
Valentino Vranić and Milan Laslop  
AbstractKeywords: aspect-oriented modeling; aspect; role; transformation; Theme/UML; OOram; UML; composite structureMSC: 68N19 68T30
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