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Front Page Bulletin, Classe des Sciences Mathématiques et Naturelles, Sciences mathématiquesPublisher: Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, BeogradISSN: 0561-7332Issue: 33Date: 2008

Note on Laplacian energy of graphs 1 - 10
H. Fath-Tabar, A. R. Ashrafi and I. Gutman  
AbstractKeywords: Laplacian spectrum (of graph), Laplacian energy (of graph)MSC: 05C50Zbl: 1199.05217
Quadrature processes - development and new directions 11 - 41
G. V. Milovanović  
AbstractKeywords: Quadrature process; Newton-Cotes formula, Gauss-Christoffel quadrature formula; Orthogonal polynomials; Moments; Moment functional; Three-term recurrence relation; Weight; Node; Multiple nodes; Summation of series; Moment-preserving spline approximation; Non-standard quadratures; Muntz polynomialsMSC: 41A55 33C45 33C47 42C05 65D30 65D32
On Ricci h-pseudosymmetric h-hypersurfaces of some anti-k{a}hler manifolds 43 - 58
R. Deszcz and Mileva Prvanović  
AbstractKeywords: anti-K{a}hler manifold, h-hypersurface, h-pseudosymmetry, Ricci h-pseudosymmetryMSC: 53C56Zbl: 1199.53145
Spectra of copies of Bethe trees attached to path and applications 59 - 81
María Robbiano, I. Gutman, R. Jiménez and B. San Martin  
AbstractKeywords: spectrum (of graph), energy (of graph), Bethe treeMSC: 05C50Zbl: 1199.05240
An equation in the left and right fractional derivatives of the same order 83 - 90
B. Stanković  
AbstractKeywords: Left and right fractional derivatives, tempered distributionsMSC: 34G10
Rectangular axioms, perfect set properties and decomposition 91 - 130
J. Brendle, P. Larson and S. Todorčević  
AbstractKeywords: Goedel's rectangular axioms, the cardinality of the continuum, perfect-set propertiesMSC: 03E50 03E17
New theorems for signless Laplacian eigenvalues 131 - 146
D. Cvetković  
AbstractKeywords: graph theory, graph spectra, signless Laplacian, subdivision graph, tree, unicyclic graphMSC: 05C50Zbl: 1199.05212

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