Bulletin, Classe des Sciences Mathématiques et Naturelles, Sciences mathématiquesPublisher: Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, BeogradISSN: 0561-7332Issue: 36Date: 2011 |
AbstractKeywords: Numerical integration, Cauchy principal value integral, rational function, double exponential transformation, Gaussian quadrature, Chebyshev weight function, weights, nodes, theory of cyclic conjugation, cyclic conjugation energy effect, chemistryMSC: 65D30 92E10
AbstractKeywords: Thomas-Fermi differential equations, regularly varying functions, regularly bounded solutions, increasing solutions, asymptotic behavior of solutionsMSC: Primary34A34 Secondary26A12
AbstractKeywords: one-two descriptor, graph (molecular), degree (of vertex), molecular structure descriptorMSC: 05C07
AbstractKeywords: spectrum (of graph), energy (of graph), common-neighborhood spectrum, common-neighborhood energyMSC: 05C50
AbstractKeywords: Fractional derivative,Fredholm's equations, tempered distributionsMSC: 26A33 45B05
AbstractKeywords: graph theory, control theory, graph spectra, main eigenvalues, controllabilityMSC: 05C50 93B05
AbstractKeywords: $(a,C)$-regularized resolvent families, time-dependent perturbations, abstract Volterra equations, abstract time-fractional equationsMSC: 47D06 47D60 47D62 47D99