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Matematički Vesnik
Publisher: Društvo matematičara Srbije, Beograd
ISSN: 0025-5165 (Print), 2406-0682 (Online)
Issue: 27_1
Date: 1975
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Editorial Board
On some inequalities
95 - 97
B. Martić
MSC: 26D10
O dovoljnim uslovima optimalnosti upravljajućih sistema u smislu najbržeg prelaza
99 - 102
D. Mikičić
New method of solving the system of differential partial equations of any number of equations, of any number of functions and of any order
103 - 112
K. Orlov
MSC: 35G50
Free convection flow of water at $4^{\circ}C$ past an infinite porous plate with constant suction
113 - 117
V. M. Soundalgekar
Rešenie sistemy funkcional'nyh uravnenij $\bigwedge X_{1} \bigl[ X_{2}(a_{1}^{n}), a_{n+1}^{2n+d-1} \bigr] = X_{2j-1} \bigl[ a_{1}^{j-1}, X_{2j}(a_{j}^{j+n-1}), a_{j+n}^{2n+d-1} \bigr], j \in \{2, \dots, n+d\}$, na algebre kvazigrupp
135 - 142
V. Dionin
MSC: 20N05
O diferencijalnim jednačinama u lokalno konveksnim prostorima
143 - 150
O. Hadžić
MSC: 34G20
Granični zadatak za diferencijalne jednačine u lokalno konveksnim prostorima
151 - 156
O. Hadžić
MSC: 34G20
A note on radicals in a class of semigroups
157 - 158
H. Lal
MSC: 20M11
Some new separation axioms in bitopological spaces
159 - 162
S. N. Maheshwari and R. Prasad
MSC: 54E55
Some inequalities connected with exponential function
163 - 166
B. Martić
MSC: 26D07
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