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Matematički Vesnik
Publisher: Društvo matematičara Srbije, Beograd
ISSN: 0025-5165 (Print), 2406-0682 (Online)
Issue: 26_1
Date: 1974
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Editorial Board
Generalization of waiting times model
3 - 9
D. Banjević
MSC: 60C05
Aksiome separacije u bitopološkim prostorima
10 - 21
D. M. Ćirić
MSC: 54E55
Uber die Konvergenz für Reihen in dem mikusinskischen Operatorenkorper
22 - 30
D. Nikolić-Despotović
MSC: 40A30
Normalno i savršeno normalno kvaziuređeni topološki prostori
31 - 37
R. Dimitrijević
MSC: 54F05
Neke dimenzione funkcije u bitopološkim prostorima
38 - 42
M. Jelić
MSC: 54F45
Generating functions for Jacobi and Laguerre polynomials
43 - 47
H. L. Manocha
MSC: 33C45
On decidability of one class of boolean formulas
48 - 54
Ž. Mijajlović
MSC: 03G05
Sur la décomposition orthogonale du vecteur dans certains espaces de Banach
55 - 57
P. M. Miličić
MSC: 46C50
Calculation des valeurs numcute{e}riques des polynomes au moyen des spectres mathematiques
58 - 65
K. Orlov
MSC: 65D99
A generalization of the diagonal theorem on a block-matrix
66 - 71
E. Pap
MSC: 46B99
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