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Matematički Vesnik
Publisher: Društvo matematičara Srbije, Beograd
ISSN: 0025-5165 (Print), 2406-0682 (Online)
Issue: 24_1
Date: 1972
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Editorial Board
Inequalities connected with the moduli of smootness
289 - 305
H. Johnen
MSC: 26A24
Algorithm for simultaneous determination of all roots of algebraic polynomial equations
325 - 332
J. Petrić, M. Jovanović and S. Stamatović
MSC: 12D05
On a Riemannian space of class one and its associated space
333 - 338
R. K. Garai
MSC: 53B99
Sur quelques séries hypergéométriques de type $F_{3}$
339 - 346
L. Toscano
MSC: 33C20
On the solution of a functional equation F. Vajzović
347 - 349
K. Lajko
MSC: 39B22
Kanonske jednačine mehaničkih sistema sa neholonomnim vezama drugog reda
351 - 362
Đ. S. Đukić
A characterization of semilattices of left groups
363 - 364
S. Lajos
MSC: 20M07
A method for obtaining iterative formulas of higer order
365 - 369
B. Jovanović
MSC: 47H09
Remark on an iterative formula
370 - 372
B. Jovanović
MSC: 47H09
Prostranstva shodimosti tipa Freše-Urysona i obobshchennaya metrizaciya
373 - 378
M. A. Antonovskij and I. G. Koševnikova
MSC: 54E25
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