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Front Page Mathematica MoravicaPublisher: Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak, University of Kragujevac, ČačakISSN: 1450-5932Issue: 21_1Date: 2017Journal Homepage

Čebyšev’s type inequalities for positive linear maps of selfadjoint operators in Hilbert spaces 1 - 15
Silvestru Sever Dragomir  
AbstractKeywords: Positive linear maps; Selfadjoint operators; Synchronous (asynchronous) functions; Monotonic functions; Čebyšev inequality; Functions of Selfadjoint operatorsMSC: 47A63 47A99DOI: 10.5937/MatMor1701001S
Some topological properties of the spaces $exp$X, $\lambda$X and NX 17 - 25
F.G. Mukhamadiev  
AbstractKeywords: $\pi$-base; exponential functor $exp$; the functor of superextension $\lambda$; the functor of complete linked systems NMSC: 54B20; 54A25DOI: 10.5937/MatMor1701017M
Q-Convergence in graded ditopological texture spaces 27 - 36
Ramazan Ekmekçi and Rıza Ertürk  
AbstractKeywords: Graded ditopology; convergence; Q-convergence; graded difilter; texture; fuzzy topologyMSC: 54A20 54A05; 06D10DOI: 10.5937/MatMor1701027E
A fixed point theorem for $(\mu,\psi)$-generalized $f$-weakly contractive mappings in partially ordered 2-metric spaces 37 - 50
Nguyen Trung Hieu and Huynh Ngoc Cam  
AbstractKeywords: Fixed point; 2-metric space; $(\mu;\psi)$-generalized f-weakly contractive mappingMSC: 47H10; 54H25 54D99; 54E99DOI: 10.5937/MatMor1701037H
Harmonic starlikeness and convexity of integral operators generated by Poisson distribution series 51 - 60
Saurabh Porwal and Divesh Srivastava  
AbstractKeywords: Harmonic; Univalent functions; Poisson Distribution SeriesMSC: 30C45DOI: 10.5937/MatMor1701051P
On $(\sigma,\delta) - (S,1)$ rings and their extensions 61 - 68
Vijay Kumar Bhat  
AbstractKeywords: Endomorphism; derivation; $(\sigma;\delta) - (S;1)$ ring; Ore extension; prime idealMSC: 16S36 16P40; 16P50; 16W20; 16W25DOI: 10.5937/MatMor1701061B
Reduced and irreducible simple algebraic extensions of commutative rings 69 - 86
S.V. Mihovski  
AbstractKeywords: Commutative rings; Polynomials; Discriminants; Resultants; Simple algebraic extensions; Reduced rings; Irreducible ringsMSC: 13B25 13B02DOI: 10.5937/MatMor1701069M
A generalization of modules with the property (P*) 87 - 94
Burcu Nişancı Türkmen  
AbstractKeywords: Generalized f-semiperfect ring; the properties (P*); (GP*) and (N-GP*)MSC: 16D10 16N80DOI: 10.5937/MatMor1701087T
Solving Benjamin-Bona-Mahony equation by using the sn-ns method and the tanh-coth method 95 - 103
Hami Gündoğdu and Ömer Faruk Gözükızıl  
AbstractKeywords: Benjamin Bona Mahony equation (BBM); the sn-ns method; tanh-coth method; elliptic function solution; trigonometric solutionMSC: 35C07 35C09; 35C09DOI: 10.5937/MatMor1701095G
On Hermite-Hadamard-Fejér type inequalities for convex functions via fractional integrals 105 - 123
Abdullah Akkurt and Hüseyin Yıldırım  
AbstractKeywords: Integral inequalities; Fractional integrals; Hermite-Hadamard-Fejér InequalityMSC: 26A33; 26A51 26D15DOI: 10.5937/MatMor1701105A
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