Mathematica MoravicaPublisher: Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak, University of Kragujevac, ČačakISSN: 1450-5932Issue: 14_2Date: 2010Journal Homepage |
AbstractKeywords: Iterative formulas; approximative solutions of equationsMSC: 65H05DOI: 10.5937/MatMor1002001S
AbstractKeywords: Roots of algebraic equations; upper bounds for roots moduliMSC: 12D10DOI: 10.5937/MatMor1002007S
AbstractKeywords: TCS-convergence; topological spaces; metric spaces; nonlinear conditions of contractions; fixed apex; nonnumerical transverses; completeness; fixed points; forked points; controlling function; Principle of Transpose; transversal spacesMSC: 47H10 54H25DOI: 10.5937/MatMor1002011M
AbstractKeywords: TCS-convergence; topological spaces; metric spaces; nonlinear conditions of contractions; fixed apex; nonnumerical transverses; completeness; fixed points; forked points; controlling function; Principle of Transpose; transversal spacesMSC: 47H10 54H25DOI: 10.5937/MatMor1002019T
AbstractKeywords: General ecart; distance; Fréchet's spaces; Kurepa's spaces; Menger's spaces; transversal spaces; transversal intervally spaces; middle transversal intervally spaces; transverse; bisection functions; fixed points; transversal chaos spaces; asymptotic fixed point point theory; transversal spaces with nonnumerical transverse; asymptotic behaviour in springs of spaces; transversal spring spaces; middle transversal spring spaces; the equation $x = T(x;\dots;x)$; Kuratowski’s question; Tasković’s spacesMSC: 54E15; 47H10; 05A15 54H35; 54E25DOI: 10.5937/MatMor1002099T
AbstractKeywords: Fixed points; diametral $\varphi$-contractions; complete metric spaces; nonlinear conditions for fixed points; optimizationMSC: 47H10 54H25DOI: 10.5937/MatMor1002125T