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Front Page FilomatPublisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, NišISSN: 0354-5180Issue: 28_6Date: 2014Journal Homepage

Common Fixed Point of Generalizedweak Contractive Mappings in Partially Ordered $G_b$-Metric Spaces 1087 - 1101
Asadollah Aghajani, Mujahid Abbas and Jamal Rezaei Roshan  
AbstractKeywords: common fixed point; weakly compatible maps; b-metric space; G-metric space; partially ordered setMSC: 47H10 47H09; 54H25DOI: 10.2298/FIL1406087A
The Expression for the Group Inverse of the Anti-Triangular Block Matrix 1103 - 1112
Fapeng Du and Yifeng Xue  
AbstractKeywords: block matrix; generalized inverse; group inverseMSC: 15A09 65F20DOI: 10.2298/FIL1406103D
Unifying a Multitude of Common Fixed Point Theorems in Symmetric Spaces 1113 - 1132
Mohammad Imdad, Anupam Sharma and Sunny Chauhan  
AbstractKeywords: symmetric space; coincidence points; common limit range property; weakly compatible mappings; implicit function; common fixed pointMSC: 47H10 54H25DOI: 10.2298/FIL1406113I
Drazin Invertibility of Product and Difference of Idempotents in a Ring 1133 - 1137
Jianlong Chen and Huihui Zhu  
AbstractKeywords: Drazin inverse; idempotent; commutator; anti-commutatorMSC: 15A09; 16U99DOI: 10.2298/FIL1406133C
Coefficient Estimates for Certain Subfamilies of Close-To-Convex Functions of Complex Order 1139 - 1142
Wasim Ul-Haq, Attiya Nazneen and Nasir Rehman  
AbstractDOI: 10.2298/FIL1406139U
Ćirić Type Generalized $F$-Contractions on Completemetric Spaces and Fixed Point Results 1143 - 1151
Gülhan Mınak, Asuman Helvacı and Ishak Altun  
AbstractKeywords: fixed point; F-contraction; generalized F-contraction; complete metric spaceMSC: 54H25 47H10DOI: 10.2298/FIL1406143M
The Least Squares $\eta$-Hermitian Problems of Quaternion Matrix Equation $A^HXA+B^HYB=C$ 1153 - 1165
Shi-Fang Yuana, Qing-Wen Wangb and Zhi-Ping Xionga  
AbstractKeywords: matrix equation; least squares solution; Moore-Penrose generalized inverse; Kronecker product; $\eta$-Hermitian matricesMSC: 15A24 15A06; 65H10DOI: 10.2298/FIL1406153Y
Existence of Anti-Periodic Solutions for a Class of First Order Evolution Inclusions 1167 - 1180
Xiaoyou Liu and Yiliang Liu  
AbstractKeywords: evolution inclusion; anti-periodic solution; maximal monotone operator; evolution triple; pseudomonotone operator; continuous extreme selectionMSC: 35K90 34G25DOI: 10.2298/FIL1406167L
On $G$-Sequential Continuity 1181 - 1189
Osman Mucuk and Tun car Şahan  
AbstractKeywords: sequences; summability; sequential closure; G-sequential continuityMSC: 40J05 54A05; 22A05DOI: 10.2298/FIL1406181M
On Generalized Soft Equality and Soft Lattice Structure 1191 - 1203
Mujahid Abbas, Basit Ali and Salvador Romaguera  
AbstractKeywords: soft set; g-soft set; g-null soft set; g-soft equality; union; intersectionMSC: 47H10 54H25DOI: 10.2298/FIL1406191A
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