Resilient Overlay Design in DWDM Systems

Cecilia Parodi, Franco Robledo, Pablo Romero, Carlos E. Testuri

The goal of this work is to design a minimum cost resilient overlay network, where a data network is on top of a transport network. Two major challenges are addressed. On one hand, a single failure in the transport network causes multiple simultaneous failures; on the other, the multicommodity flow must respect integrality. An integer programming formulation is presented to design an overlay, meeting the previous constraints. We prove that the problem belongs to the class NP-Hard. Then, a decomposition approach is introduced, where the problem is solved in two steps by means of relaxations of the original formulation. Experiments carried out with real-life instances, coming from the Uruguayan telecommunication operator, show that the approach is competitive with respect to previous metaheuristics, to know, Tabu-Search (TS) and Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS). A modest percentage of cost-reduction is achieved in some instances, which means millionaire savings in practice.