Simulation of Machine Interference in Randomly Changing Environments

János Sztrik, Oliver Möller

The simulation tool lcpSim can be used to investigate special level crossing problems of queuing systems of type $HYPO_k/HYPO_r/1/n$ embedded in different Markovian environments (recently referred to as Markov modulated ones). Our observed system consists of n heterogeneous machines (requests) and a server that "repairs" the broken machines according to the most commonly used service disciplines, such as FIFO, LIFO, PPS, HOL, Preemptive Priorities (Resume, Repeat), Transfer, Polling, Nearest. We specify a maximum number of stopped machines for an operating system and our aim is to give the main steady-state performance measures of the system, such as, server utilization, machine utilization, mean waiting times, mean response times, the probability of an operating system and the mean operating time of the system. These values can be calculated by lcpSim level crossing problem Simulation package for different random environment types and service disciplines.