Sex, Age and Growth of the Spurdog (Squalus Acanthias Linnaeus, 1758) in the Southeastern Black Sea

Dursun Avsar

This study was carried out in order to identify sex, age and growth of spurdogs (Squalus acanthias) sampled from the southeastern Black Sea between September and October 1991. It was found that the males predominated and the age of this species ranged between I and XIV, with a dominance of age VlII for both sexes. The length-weight relationship was described as $W = 0.0040 \cdot L^{2.95}$ and the mean annual growth rates in length and weight were 7.2 cm and 540.1 g, respectively. Von Bertalanffy growth parameters were also calculated as $W_{\infty} = 12021 (g)$, $L_{\infty} = 157 (cm)$, $K = 0.12$ (year^{-1})$ and $t_0 = - 1.30 (year)$.