Aktuğlu and Gezer [1] introduced the concepts of lacunary equistatistical convergence, lacunary statistical pointwise convergence and lacunary statistical uniform convergence for sequences of functions. Recently, Kaya and Gönül [11] proved some analogs of the Korovkin approximation theorem via lacunary equistatistical convergence by using test functions 1, $\frac{x}{1+x}$, $\frac{y}{1+y}$, $(\frac{x}{1+x})^2+(\frac{y}{1+y})^2$. We apply the notion of lacunary equistatistical convergence to prove a Korovkin type approximation theorem for functions of two variables by using test functions 1, $\frac{x}{1-x}$, $\frac{y}{1-y}$, $(\frac{x}{1-x})^2+(\frac{y}{1-y})^2$.