The Distortion of the Galactic Plane Emission in the Anticentre Region

J. Milogradov-Turin

Little study has been devoted to the interpretation of the radio continuum brightness distribution in the anticentre region. It is accepted that the major part of the radiation at decimetre and metre wavelenghts is synchrotron emission from relativistic electrons moving in partially organized magnetic field. The detailed structure of the magnetic field is not yet fully known and therefore the detailed interpretation of the galactic synchrotron emission has not been completed. Nevertheless, interpretation of large scale features has been attempted by Hanbury Brown and Hazard (1960) and Homby (1966). Hanbury Brown and Hazard (1960) have suggested that magnetic lines of force are aligned along the spiral arms but not perfectly. According to them, the irregularities in the direction of field have an upper limit of $20^{\circ}$. Homby (1966) has shown that the bulk of emission in me anticentre region can not originate in regions in which the field is completely disordered. He proposed that observed brightness distribution and radio polarization could be attributed to relativistic electrons moving in. the helical magnetic field of the local spiral arm.